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Stickman's 2018 Soil Mineralization Glog

Hi all! Now that the new year is here, it's time to swing into gear and get ready for the next season of growing chiles! I'll be starting my seeds in a few weeks, and after rotating the crops in my raised beds to get rid of the Pepper Maggots that showed up in 2016, I'll be able to plant a lot more this year. In the meantime, I thought I'd share what I do to prepare my garden soil for the start of the season. I've grown chiles in pots and in-ground, and for me at least, I seem to do better with the plants grown in the soil.
To start with, my garden soil is sandy, so I have to add lots of compost in the top six inches of soil to hold moisture and prevent nutrients from leaching away. Soil microbes break it down in just a few years though, so keeping it topped up is a yearly necessity. We compost our kitchen waste to that end, but there's never enough, so we also buy it from a local outfit that produces it commercially. I was put onto adding biochar as well by brother Scott (Devv.)  The biochar does the same things that humus does but it lasts longer and  helps the environment by sequestering carbon in the soil. I've also been reading about how amending with Montmorillonite clay can increase fertility and help with soil structure, but more on that in a future post.
At the end of each growing season I take soil samples from my various gardens and get them tested at Logan Labs in Ohio. They do a more thorough job than our UMass extension by testing for Cobalt, Molybdenum and Silicate levels as well as he usual suspects. :)    I'm taking a "Build and Maintain" approach toward soil nutrients because I want my plants to have the best organic nutrition available to them, and at the small scale I'm planting, it's affordable for me. http://nevegetable.org/cultural-practices/plant-nutrients  
Here's my last soil test, taken the end of November. It's the starting point for figuring what amendments I'll need when I prep my beds for planting in the spring. The pepper garden is bordered in yellow.

In my next post I'll cover the math I use to figure that out. Cheers!
Devv said:
Nice germ rates ;)
I've had my share of germ issues with the Poblano's in the past. This year they did well. A first!
Yeah... this is the second time I've tried to grow the Giganteas from Seed Saver's Exchange. Maybe I should go with NuMex or Sandia seeds for the southwest varieties instead.

I finally got a Jab Saw and cut a couple of 3 inch holes near the top of the growbox, then fastened a piece of 3/4 inch Styrofoam board with a long screw in one corner. That way I can cover the holes at night to hold in the heat and uncover them when the lights are on to vent excess heat. An hour after I cut the holes the temperature in the growbox dropped from almost 100 degrees down to 80, which is perfect!

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Happy Thursday all! More Annuums hooked up last night, making the tally:

Chili Tepin 3/6
Kurtovska Kapia 30/30
Szegedi Paprika 24/24 (I forgot the six upstairs in the Aerogarden)

Germination seems to be quicker in the growbox... probably due to the fact that It's much warmer in there than it is in the heated part of the house.

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Stopped by the house during a scheduling gap between clients and found I'm 6/6 with the Chile Tepin... The only holdouts now are the Anchos.
I've also got multiple extra Goat's Weed plants (the Annuum that has hairy stems and pods that go from green to black to fire-engine red), two kinds of Jalapenos, Pequins and Rezha peppers. Anybody interested?

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Good morning all! Only one more week until April... hopefully I'll be able to plant outside (using plasticulture methods) in the next 2-3 weeks after that, but We'll have to see what Ma Nature has in store for us first.

The good news today is that the snow is gone from our yard and the community garden, and the first Ancho hook is showing! :party:
That'd make the Anchos 1/6.

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Genetikx said:
Great to see ancho found their way to the party. Looks like a bunch of snow headed near here, but should barely miss me and clobber d3
That's right... being near the great lakes in "shy-town" You're in the snow belt for sure. We'll keep our fingers crossed for ya. You're probably Jonesing for spring like I am about now. Lol!

My growdown plant was poking root tips through its drainage holes this morning so I repotted in a 1-liter Airpot. Space is gonna be at a premium until I can transplant some of my seedlings outside, so I didn't dare to use anything bigger.

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Good morning all! This morning the Ancho tally stands at 3/6 and two hooks... looks like I'll have enough of everything to plant and quite a bit more left over. Especially the Goat's Weed, Jalapeno Jalafuego and Jalapeno Craig's Grande. I've gotta clear out the extras to make room for the garden veggies, and as soon as the nights stay above freezing here I'll transplant the onions and lacinato kale outside. I have a whole 1020 tray of each, and that should make enough room for the keepers to grow without crowding until time to harden off.
I'm baking bread this morning before heading out to see my Mom. Have a great rest-of-the-weekend all, cheers!
I'm liking the germination percentages in the growbox without a seed heat mat!


Goat's Weed

Craig's Grande Jalapenos

Macedonian Rezha Peppers

Kapias and Hungarian Paprikas

Lacinato Kale

Ailsa Craig sweet onions and PDN x Bonda hybrids

Chinense and a few Kapias

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Trident chilli said:
Great update Rick ... your grow is certainly flying
Cheers John... doing my d****est!

Repotted the rest of the first wave this morning. All were beginning to circle except the Rocoto, which is growing a bit slower than the rest. They all went into 1-liter Airpots now that I have the room... I handed off two thirds of the sweet peppers, and the other third minus keepers will get handed off tomorrow. I'll pot up the Jalapeno keepers and try to find a home for the rest. I already ruthlessly thinned the rest of the Annuums chiles... lack of appropriate space can be a real PITA sometimes. [emoji53]

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S'right brother... it's a very mixed blessing indeed. [emoji16]

The Poblanos have finally caught up with the rest of the Annuums so I have a full slate for plant-out if I don't drop the ball before then. I'm thinking 4 or 6 plants of each Annuum variety in the community garden and 13 Chinense and Pubiscens plants in the pepper garden behind the house.
If the soil in the raised beds has thawed enough by Saturday, I'll get a load of compost and work it in with the spading fork along with the other amendments. Then I'll lay down the IRT plastic mulch and set up a low row cover over it as a cloche where I can harden off the kale and onions.
That aught to make enough room for me to put the peppers I'll keep in individual pots and start the tomatoes and eggplants.

Have a great Taco Tuesday all!

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karoo said:
Those plants look very happy. The first couple of months are all about roots to me.
Great pics of those baby forests.
S'right brother... gotta have a good foundation first. [emoji16] No wonder your raised beds did so well this year.
Essegi said:
All looks rally good Rick! Enchilada sauce recipe is a gem,
Cheers Giancarlo! It's one of our favorite recipes here.

Thanks for the good vibes guys, it surely can't hurt.

Plants are starting to grow again after a brief stall. First 2 pics are MoA Bonnets, followed by the growdown plant and the largest Bhut.


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Good news being able to work the soil very soon.
Those plants are looking good and will be even happier once they hit the dirt.
Good luck!
Devv said:
Good news being able to work the soil very soon.
Those plants are looking good and will be even happier once they hit the dirt.
Good luck!
Cheers Scott, I expect so when I finally get this circus on the road... [emoji39]

Dang! I'll have to put off garden prep for another week, despite the beautiful weather today, because the farm where we get our compost doesn't open on Saturdays until next week. I suppose it's just as well since the overnight lows will get down onto the 20's until mid-week... too cold for the plants I want to harden off. I helped my Wife with raking the yard instead, and made a couple loaves of Russian black bread. Our miniature Iris is blossoming now... it usually does at the same time as the Crocus.
Have a happy holiday all!

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b3rnd said:
Wow, those are some nice colours! The bread and the flower. Hopefully, spring go full swing here soon too!
Cheers Bernard (?) ☺
Yeah... I want it to warm up so bad I can taste it! Lol! Hopefully that cold wind off the North Sea warms up soon for you too. At least I have some green to keep me (somewhat) sane until then.

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