watering Still can't seem to get watering right!

Hey all, AGAIN. My seedlings are almost 3 weeks old. Some doing better than others (helmet heads) An my question now is how often do ya'll water? As my set up is light on timer and fan on same timer. Some where between 16-17 hours a day "on". An apparently even with cutting back on watering I'm still overwatering. As now I'm fighting a slimy mold type on top of the seedlings soil. An still getting some yellowing of leaf tips. Would provide pics but used a toothpick last night to aerate the surface. An where it's coming back is slightly visible. Just hoping to keep them going. They've lasted till now! Thanks again for all the help.
Fill a container of the same size with your potting mix. When the seedlings pots are te same weight then it's ok to water again. Make sure to let the surface of the soil dry out in between waterings as well... This prevents fungus gnats.
Thanks guys. An have waited till soil is light then watered. Apparently using 5oz solo cups to sprout in threw me off. As apparently they stay moist deeper down. An also have thought about weighing the same dry container. Just thought that maybe going to scientific and over loving. As I know I could easily over care these things "being my first seedling year" Thanks for the quick responses. Going to weigh now.

Ok, so after weighing the same container with the same mix. I've been still overwatering. The dry one weighed in at 27 grams. An according to weight of hand I've been rewatering at around 40 grams. So hope this fixes my issue. Thanks again.
Asking how often other people water is kind of like asking how often they fill up their gas tank and then using that to decide when to get gas. :P Too many variables. The easiest way to judge is the weight of the container, it should pretty easy to tell how much water is in there by picking up the container.