Still Lame.

Writing tonight intermittently while checking THP. Used a literary quote earlier because I'm "in the mode" and another came to mind. No author to attribute it to, but I believe most here will understand the context and reasoning behind it. I will say no more here on this thread, but leave all with this to contemplate:
"If everywhere you go it smells like shit, maybe it's time to check your own shoes." - Anonymous
Malarky said:
Whats up with the jerk and his beef with Guru?

Please dont tell me that guy was really from DoorCounty, WI...
Were nice people in WI
LOL it was in his profile and he removed it.
He's been a member since 2013....... I am guessing he had a bad day.... to just go off like that out of nowhere.
Walchit said:
He's mad cause guru called him on his B.S.
Malarky said:
Whats up with the jerk and his beef with Guru?

Please dont tell me that guy was really from DoorCounty, WI...
Were nice people in WI
The Hot Pepper said:
LOL it was in his profile and he removed it.
My wife and I field collected some peppers in Costa Rica. Here:
I sold some open pollinated SFRB's and Jimmy Johnson bought one. Here:
He snipes open pollinated flat rates and other seeds for a shitty vendor named Jim Morrow aka Jimmy Pickles. 
Jimmy Johnson and Jim Morrow not only avoided giving me credit for field collecting them, but they also renamed the Aji Panameno my wife and I collected to "Aji Chombo" (a completely different pepper from a different country) and now sell them under the wrong name "Aji Chombo" is the video where they rename it and give credit to Jimmy Johnson...:
This is Jim Morrow's half assed attempt at damage control - where he made a lame, half assed facebook post in his group letting people know he was finally giving me credit for the field collection (while still never addressing the rename, lol) here:

Then here is a shot of the description on his site as of today, changed back to edit out where they came from completely and STILL leaving the false rename...

Jimmy Johnson got mad and started bashing the forum on my status here:
And I addressed all of his idiotic shit in my thread here:
So you see...simple case of lowly seed snipers parading around as some great collector and vendor, when in reality, they are just pepper renaming, history hiding filth. 
That's about it. 

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