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Still learning my peppers

I traded some seeds and this is what I grew. I am thinking the red is hot cherry pepper. Great for stuffing. I was given hungarian wax, serrano and I know the orange one is not a hab.
I save seeds and dont want to mark them with the wrong names. thank you scarecrw

I know you pepper junkies can help me.. :onfire:
i would say the green skinny one is serrano, bigger yellow one is the hungarian wax pepper. and yes, the red one looks like a red cherry. the orange one, however, i'm not sure of. you sure it's not a hab? is it hot or sweet?
My first thought for the top was habanero.... I believe,left is a serrano, right is a cherry pepper I think, and bottom is a hungarian wax...
Smart kid, if the top is really a hab, then he'd be in far worse trouble lol
Don't sweat it. Peppers are the second most screwed up(human-and -or- unintentional hybridization) variety of flowering,or fruiting, plant.
Orchids are #1.
Like orchids, the pepper plant gives you an idea(general characteristicas) of what the original parents were. After that.Good luck.
Lean towards flavor and forget the rest.
If you want total purity, get seeds from wild collected species(very hard to do) and separate them so the insects don't cross pollinate them.
Not an expert by far but my eyes( and what experience I have) tell me BirdFather nailed it. As to the Hab thats not a hab again I go with everyone else. Maybe a cross from OP seeds?
Just got home and diced up the orange one and threw it on a pizza. Its a mini orange bell :( or at least thats what it tastes like, no heat at all. Live and learn who you trade with. thanks thp for the help with the ID. Looks like my son should have tasted this one first.