pests sting bugs - pods edible?

I live in the Pacific NW and this year was my first big grow. About 80 plants in 5 gallon buckets.  Despite starting too late I've managed to produce a reasonable amount of pods.  I figured since it was my first try I'd make up for quality with sheer quantity.  In that regard I've done pretty well.  I have had some minor damage caused by stink bugs.  I'm curious what the feeling is about eating pods that have stink bug damage.  I'm a little bit grossed out by the idea and have been cutting away the affected areas or just tossing them if they are too bad.
How do you guys feel about eating stink bug saliva?  Am I correct in presuming there is no real health risk?
You can eat anything you want. I cull/throw away imperfect pods when I see them on the plants. I figure there is no need to waste plant energy on growing a pod that I will eventually throw away. I share at least 1/2 of my harvest and my friends do not like imperfect pods either. Regardless of what damaged them, I don't eat them. To each their own....
I wash my pods before consuming, if you knew what was on the store bought fruits and vegetables I am sure you would have little concern. I not heard of stink bugs doing damage and we are infested with them on the east coast last few years. 