pests STINK BUGS I hope they die in a fire

To all of my east coast people, PA/MD/VA/NJ/WV getting hit hardest with the scourge of stink bugs, please tell me if there is anything you have tried that actually WORKS to keep these evil things off your plants??
With the warmth of the past few days, they are starting to awaken again. As I am typing this one just crawled across my laptop. There were 4 of them all hanging out on one seedling INDOORS eating it.
My garden last year was decimated. Thousands of them swarming the hot peppers, tomatoes. It was like a horror movie and nothing seems to work.
I had tens of thousands of them but not a single one bothered by veggie plants including all 100+ peppers. I killed a 1000 or more with an organic spray as they mated on my maple tree. :)
I am actually trying to combat these annoyances as well, I think they have been feeding on my seedlings. I killed at least 200 of them in one day with the vacuum when I discovered where they were hanging out but hasn't seem to stop them totally, if you find a solution to your problem please let me know. 
Twice the Spice said:
I am actually trying to combat these annoyances as well, I think they have been feeding on my seedlings. I killed at least 200 of them in one day with the vacuum when I discovered where they were hanging out but hasn't seem to stop them totally, if you find a solution to your problem please let me know. 
I feel your pain. I don't even know how they get inside in such numbers... My house is sealed up but just like you I removed about 200 just from one room in my house that they seem to favor. 2 years ago my garden was fine. Last year there were literally thousands.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I had tens of thousands of them but not a single one bothered by veggie plants including all 100+ peppers. I killed a 1000 or more with an organic spray as they mated on my maple tree. :)
What spray worked for you? I was going to make a hot pepper spray but then I remembered they ATE carolina reaper pods last year like it was nothing. I sprayed pesticide on one today and it did not give 2 sh*ts about that and walked away totally fine. A couple years ago I had thousands of them in the yard but they left the garden alone completely. I don't know what changed but last year they attacked the garden in full force and destroyed everything.
I use Nematodes in my soil mixes - kills the grubs that turn into nasty guys.
BUT as soil temps. rise the nematodes die off.
I use a nematode mix that most times works ok for me IF I use it early enough or late enough in the season.
I actually have very little actual damage done by the beatles themselves.
I get virus infections and diseases from just 1 or 2 adults that hit up several plants.
Japanese Beatles are the worst here - the metalic blue guys who can't fly straight (bounce off stuff,crash into stuff).
Grubs eat the roots.
You'll go out and watch a plant,overnight fall over.
I've found about 60 grubs in a true 20 gal. pot one time.
With Nematodes I only see a couple.
I have no winter here,I HAVE to treat my soil in late fall and early spring.
Other times the conditions suck for nematodes in my pots.
Check out the data/tech sheets at Tip Top Bio (buy from whoever you want to),a good source of info.
IN MY GROW AREA,A LOT of stuff like aphid wasps have been around since I first introduced them years ago.
Haven't seen an aphid in several years.
     Stink bugs aren't the same as japanese beetles. (They aren't beetles at all, they're bugs.) Their life cycle doesn't have a larval stage like beetles do, so predatory nematodes like the ones used on japanese beetle grubs will have no effect on them.