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pests Stink Bugs

My first grow season and apparently there has been and still an on going Stink Bug epidemic here in Virginia.

As a first time grower I wasn't very knowledgable of pests or diseases that affect peppers. When I noticed fungus looking marks on my pepper pods I couldn't find anything that pinned down the cause.

Stink bugs are apparently immune to atleast 3 types of organic pesticides (I tried three). And they leave white splotches on the fruit ruining them aesthetically.

They went after the lighter color fruits and pretty much left my Trinidad Congo Black alone.
That stinks! :rofl: (couldn't resist) we are having alot of those little suckers down here at the moment as well, picked a few off my plants yesterday
Someone on another forum mentioned using a little vacuum, like a dust buster.
That's what I'm trying next year for stink bugs. They were on my sweet and
hot peppers this year.