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Stomach, UGH!

I find also that more mild peppers such as Jalapeno's bother me more because I will eat so much of it at one sitting.
Rather than if I use something very hot in small portions.
Oddly enough, the bottle of Wei Pao "Super Hot Chili" I bought at the Asian store kills me tummy more than most things.



It's from Taiwan, and is just chilies, soy bean oil, salt, and 'flavorings'. Since no vinegar is listed, I'm assuming it's a fermented mash of sorts. It is a Sambal without being as sweet as the Sambal Olek.

Good heat, tastes great, and really rips my throuat and stomach a new one. Odd, eh?
I saw no one mentioned Cream Cheese yet, it is very thick and dairy, sticks to your insides it really helps me if im really really hurting, Cream cheese try it if all else fails!