Storing CalMag in solution?

Just mixed up a quart of CalMag for the pepper's first feeding. There's nothing in the instructions about storing it in solution. I assume it's cool if I keep it somewhere dark and cool, right?
I mix mine up in amounts that I'll be able to use in about a week. Probably should keep it in a cool, dark place, but I don't. Just don't keep it in the sun.

the calmag is already in solution, in the bottle..?
Do you mean in a solution with your other nutes? or just diluted more?
I have mine all mixed up (4 cups dynagro foliage pro, half cup of calmag, 4 gallons of water) in a 5 gallon bucket. and it hasn't come out of solution / turned into salts/crystals
OKGrowin said:
the calmag is already in solution, in the bottle..?
Do you mean in a solution with your other nutes? or just diluted more?
I have mine all mixed up (4 cups dynagro foliage pro, half cup of calmag, 4 gallons of water) in a 5 gallon bucket. and it hasn't come out of solution / turned into salts/crystals
This is what I was wondering also...I know some stuff says to use within an hour or aerate until application. 
the calmag is already in solution, in the bottle..?
Do you mean in a solution with your other nutes? or just diluted more?
I have mine all mixed up (4 cups dynagro foliage pro, half cup of calmag, 4 gallons of water) in a 5 gallon bucket. and it hasn't come out of solution / turned into salts/crystals

Sorry for the vague post! The product I bought was a powder form from Kelp4less. So I measured the powder, added water, and mixed it up. This is what I then applied to the plants.

I'm assuming this mixture should store okay, as I didn't use it all, but the instructions didn't specify.
blorvak said:
Sorry for the vague post! The product I bought was a powder form from Kelp4less. So I measured the powder, added water, and mixed it up. This is what I then applied to the plants.

I'm assuming this mixture should store okay, as I didn't use it all, but the instructions didn't specify.
Contact Kelp4Less directly.  They are always helpful and usually quick to respond.  They should be able to answer your question.
compmodder26 said:
Contact Kelp4Less directly.  They are always helpful and usually quick to respond.  They should be able to answer your question.
Took your advice, and learned some valuable lessons!
First off, this will store as a solution for about 6 months.
Secondly, this is not recommended for foliear feeding. I don't know why I thought it was supposed to be used for that. Maybe because my Dad uses Epsom salts for foliear feeding... Anyway, it cakes on the leaves and is hard to get off. I had to mist a few days in a row to clear it.
Moral of the story, I should have read the instructions  :surprised: