Storing jalapenos until ready to use

I'm new to growing jalapenos (actually new to growing anything at all) and was curious about how to store the peppers until I'm ready to use them. I plan to use them to make hot pepper jam but want to make a large batch at once. How should I store the peppers until I have enough to do this? I've heard freezing isn't the best way to go because they get mushy but if I'll be chopping them finely anyway, does it matter? Any tips would help. Thanks!
Can't you make the jelly when they're fresh? ;)

welcome amarie!

If you would like to make a jelly or jam, I'm thinking it would need sugar and pectin and would be heated/cooked like most jelly/jam recipes.

So freezing peppers will make them mushy and cooking peppers will make them mushy............... SOOooooooo

my humble opinion would be to freeze the peppers as they come on and when you are ready.........cook 'em up in a jelly! Make several batches in a day (most jelly recipes say to do several small batches instead of one large batch)

They are going to get mushy from the cooking or the freezing so it's kind of a mute point. And freezing is a good way to preserve fresh peppers until you can use them in the recipe.

and again...WELCOME!