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storing seeds-help beginner

I need info on how to store seeds. I know to store them in dark dry place. Zip lock baggies? Zipped tight or leave a little opening to let oxygen in. Please help I know topic may have been brought up before but I'm new here. Thank u
I go for a sealed ziplok with a desiccant pack from whatever (I save them from Advil, shoes, coworker's NutriSystem, whatever), in the door of the fridge.
I use mason jars. Fill the bottom with some silica gel (you can get it at Hobby Lobby). Put the coin envelopes (or ziplocks - coin envelopes are better IHMO) in the jar and store in the refrigerator. Make sure you let them come up to room temperature before opening or condensation will form.
I put mine in little plastic zip lock baggies, then into a letter envelope. I store them in a dark, cool, dry place
I store mine in plastic film containers, each having a wad of a paper towel placed inside. The containers are stored in an opaque tupperware container placed on a shelf against an outer wall in the basement.

The seeds need to be dry so that they don't get a fungus. They need to be stored in a dark place, and it helps to keep them cool. I may go a little over board than most, but I already have everything I needed because I have been storing pollen for a couple of decades and it is pretty much the same treatment.
I make my own paper packets by cutting into thirds, the envelopes you get at the bank to put your money in. I label the packets and put them in a mason jar. I also put some indicating desicant in the jar. Indicating desicant is better than regular desicant because it tells you by the color whether it is still working or not. Plastic bags as seed packets can hold extra moisture but paper breathes so that the desicant can work properly. I put all this in a mason jar because no matter how air tight you get with a plastic baggie being used for the main storage container, plastic breathes just a little and doesn't work as well as glass. Just to make sure that it all goes well, I picked up one of these little devices and I'm really impressed on how it works.
This uses up most of the somewhat humid air that gets into the jar every time you open it to get some seeds out. I have coated the jar with paper and put it in the refrigerator. The seeds can last for years this way.