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Storing Seeds

take a good ripe pod, deseed and put seeds on a sheet of scott towel and let dry 2 or 3 day in a dry place.
move the seeds once i a while so they flip over and aerate a bit.
once dry put in a small ziploc type bag or paper bad and store in a dry (but not too dry) dark place.
some use old photo film bottle (dark and in plastic) to keep the seeds.

once you have too much you share them with friends to spread the heat and the joy of gardening :)
Make sure they are dry before storage, even going to the extent of using a little silica drying sand. Don't store them in plastic baggies. Use small paper envelopes.
Keep them at as low a temp. as possible in a dark place helps keep germination rates high.
I have seeds that are 5yrs+ old that germinate ok but I have problems with stuck shells.
Soaking older seeds helps out too.
Stuck seeds,even when I crack the shell still grow plants that take a long ime to grow into healthy plants.
Seeds that are dried properly and kept under perfect conditions still are varried in what kind of plants they grow.
I have 10+ yr. old seeds that grow strong healthy plants and some 3-5yr. old seeds that grow only if you baby them.

There isn't any rule set in stone.Mother Nature does what she wants.

In general I de seed,dry the seeds then put them in a place thats cool and as dark as possible.
70 degrees max. storage temp.
Dry seeds get put into my fridge( who knows temp. depends on how often I need/want a homebrew) or freezer(-10F).
Moisture free and temp. can make seeds last a very LONG time.
Make sure they are dry before storage, even going to the extent of using a little silica drying sand. Don't store them in plastic baggies. Use small paper envelopes.

I used to do that, thinking it would wick any remaining moisture out...but was told (here) that a ziplok with the air pressed out, and a desiccant inside was optimal.

I dunno...my germination tests suck regardless of what I do.
I just went through a bunch of my seeds that I had been gifted from people. They were all in ziplock bags. The ones I had gone through and added either a little dessicant canister or silica gel were fine, but the ones I didn't add silica to had moldered, so into the trash they have gone. The ones I have in paper are all fine. So I am getting a box of envelopes to store seeds in from now on after drying.