Keep them at as low a temp. as possible in a dark place helps keep germination rates high.
I have seeds that are 5yrs+ old that germinate ok but I have problems with stuck shells.
Soaking older seeds helps out too.
Stuck seeds,even when I crack the shell still grow plants that take a long ime to grow into healthy plants.
Seeds that are dried properly and kept under perfect conditions still are varried in what kind of plants they grow.
I have 10+ yr. old seeds that grow strong healthy plants and some 3-5yr. old seeds that grow only if you baby them.
There isn't any rule set in stone.Mother Nature does what she wants.
In general I de seed,dry the seeds then put them in a place thats cool and as dark as possible.
70 degrees max. storage temp.
Dry seeds get put into my fridge( who knows temp. depends on how often I need/want a homebrew) or freezer(-10F).
Moisture free and temp. can make seeds last a very LONG time.