Storm bent/broke plant

I guess Im just kind of venting here. I have a lot of time left in the season but it hasnt been ideal so far. Heres the story...

Its been a rough start where I am in Maryland. Finally the frost ended in the end of April and I put out my plants. Warmed up enough for a couple of days of good weather, then it rained, rained and rained some more. Almost two full weeks of non stop rain. Then we had a week or less of good weather and the plants started to finally look healthy. They started to grow fruit with some falling off. Im assuming it was from this up and down weather. Then the rain came again. These plants have not had much time at all to dry out. They are about two feet tall (bushy from topping them.) Unfortunately we got rain again and this time it came with heavy winds. I came out in the morning to most of them bent over, but I had one that was slightly split. When I put it back upright and staked it, I couldnt even tell it was split.

Think it will be ok? I mean will it heal back together? Anything I should do. Its almost ready to start growing some peppers. I dont want to lose this Sugar Rush plant.

Also, the future doesnt look spectacular either. Possible sun today and tomorrow. Then some more rain...

I garden on my deck. I gotta figure out a way to protect these plants in these random storms...

Wish me luck!
slightly split is better than completely broken, it means there is still some means of feeding the broken stem and encouraging growth/healing. may want to consider using some tape as well as the stake to increase your odds. I have really bad winds where I am too, I keep an eye on the weather and when it seems I have even a chance of bad weather I use 6"-8" pvc cut about a foot and a half long to go around my plants and protect them when they are young, I push the pvc into the soil a bit so it doesn't blow over too. I don't always catch the weather in time but when I do it helps a good deal. A tomato cage wrapped in plastic may help you too since your plants are larger. Best of luck and hopefully your plant makes it
Thanks for the recommendation. I staked it good and wrapped it with some expanding tape. Hopefully it survives. I'm pretty mad at myself for not staking it before. I didn't realize the wind was going to be so harsh. The plants leaves are all over the place. They need to dry out. Hopefully I get a couple of sunny days soon. 