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Storm Damage and Control 06-03-09


A storm blew up out in west Texas yesterday evening and the weatherman said it would go south of us...he was wrong...about 11:30 we got high winds and 3 inches of rain in about an 1.5 hours...

first post is damage and second post is damage control...

Cayennes/Chili Peppers


Tomatos in Cement Farm looking south...


Bhut Jolokias and Dorset Nagas...


Tomatos in Cement Farm looking north...


Damage control...next post
Cayenne/chili pepper control...all staked up...


Tomatos in Cement Farm looking south...I took three 50' length of 1/4" braided nylon rope and ran them along the outside of the plants to keep them from blowing over again...


Bhut Jolokia/Dorset Nagas staked...


Tomato row in the cement farm looking north...


as I said, it didn't do as much damage as I first thought when I saw it at 4:30 this morning...

I look at it like this...what limbs were broken off will make the plants bushier and have more nodes, therefore I will have more pods and tomatos...
Nice AJ, this weather so far for 2009 has been crazy. We're expecting hi winds and hail here in VA this afternoon. I'm bringing all my peppers inside the garage, the tomatoes(3 plants) are so bushy and big, I may just move them real close to the building and leave them out. Most of the weather comes from the opposite side so there's a decent level of protection. I see you have a lot of stakes on yours, anyone know of a good source for cheap stakes? I paid $1 each for a few plastic covered metal ones the other day and I think that is expensive.
Sorry to see that AJ. Your plants will recover fine and you won't even know it happened. I had a few plant laying sideways and stood them up like yours. All are fine after a good day of sunshine.
thanks all for the nice compliments...agree, this will only make my fall harvest larger...

bigt said:
I see you have a lot of stakes on yours, anyone know of a good source for cheap stakes? I paid $1 each for a few plastic covered metal ones the other day and I think that is expensive.

I got these at Home Depot and they were about a dollar each...however, I will use them for several years so the up front cost is expensive, but spread out over a few years, it ain't that bad... :lol:

thats how I justify spending money...
bigt said:
I see you have a lot of stakes on yours, anyone know of a good source for cheap stakes? I paid $1 each for a few plastic covered metal ones the other day and I think that is expensive.

The cheapest I've found have been bundles of bamboo. I bought a bundle of 20 or so at the local nursery for $8.00 last year. Also, Lowes sells 1"x2" in 8ft lengths for $1.17 a piece. They're really too wide I'd guess for use in containers, but I bought a bunch to "Florida Weave" my tomatoes with, and they've worked great. If you've got a table saw or access to one, you might be able to rip them down to make perfect stakes, and you could get at least 4 per piece of wood if ripped in half, and the cut in half as well.
Looks like the peepers will be ok. I worked in Corsicana for about 6 weeks and I still remember how bad the lightning and thunder storms. 1 minute clear sky and everything is fine and the next I'm holding on to trees and it seems like the sky is failing with thunder loud enough to crack an ear drum! Lets just say the locals new it was a bit obvious I was NOT from TX.
I went over all over my plants yesterday evening after work and there were lots and lots of broken limbs...whats funny is none of the limbs that were broken had peppers on them, yeaaaaaa....the damage was not nearly as bad as I thought when I first saw them....
FiveStar said:
The cheapest I've found have been bundles of bamboo. I bought a bundle of 20 or so at the local nursery for $8.00 last year. Also, Lowes sells 1"x2" in 8ft lengths for $1.17 a piece. They're really too wide I'd guess for use in containers, but I bought a bunch to "Florida Weave" my tomatoes with, and they've worked great. If you've got a table saw or access to one, you might be able to rip them down to make perfect stakes, and you could get at least 4 per piece of wood if ripped in half, and the cut in half as well.

Thanks for your help all. I found these 4 foot stakes on Amazon, a 25 piece bundle, for a little under $10 including shipping. Hopefully they'll do the job.
