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Storm damage

We had a pretty good storm this morning and my peppers suffered for it. My wife called and said I have lots of ripped leaves and several of the plants were laying down and the stalks were broken.
Are my peppers able to live thru this kind of punishment or are the broken ones gone to a better place?
Eh, as long as there are any growing points left intact they should still recover. In fact, I'd be shocked if they didn't. Peppers are pretty resilient. Some of my plants lost all of their leaves last year due to fungal issues and they still grew back from the stem to put out plenty of pods for the summer.

Then again, if you're talking about plants that were in the ground and were uprooted due to wind, you'll want to get those back in the ground before the roots dry out. Not much you can do if the roots die.
They are all in pots and still in the dirt. I haven't actually seen the damage yet but I go home tomorow so we will see.
i had a white 7 pot get blown over at the soil level and was VERY flimsy! i staked it upright and it has seamed to recover just fine! in your case only time will tell
I've had back to back years with wicked hail damage. A few were down to broken stems and not much else. They will come back if given a chance. A couple I even used masking tape to keep the main stem from breaking all the way.

Good luck.
Pepper plants are perennials (in most Zones). Your soil has warmed up and no chance from where you live to have a ground freeze. So just think of your plant , getting a haircut. Remember whats cut will double back in pair sets. As said above, your plants are going through a growth phase....its hard to stop the growth. At the end of the year when the sunlight is weak and the daylight hours are short your plant slows down and goes into a hibernation mode.....but that time for us up North is usually the end of the growing season. That is why I overwinter my special plants. For another season of outdoor growth...

No fear, good lucK......your plants will probably produce double amounts of harvests.

Thanks for the encouraging words PIC-1.

I feel LanMan's lament, having had some wind damage to my plants recently, but nowhere near as bad as snapping them off at the stem. That's devastating.

I do take heart in P's advice though.. they are such sturdy plants.. this early in the season, anything that doesn't kill them will probably make them stronger! :party:
Don`t sweat, i had a big storm smash the crap out of my plants (in my Glog) i thought it was all over Casanova, but they were fine. The limbs that broke off i used that rooting compound & they started growing again, so i guess it was a bonus in a sick sort of way.

At lest your guaranteed pollination.

I tried to find a place to put my damaged plant inside to get some heat and light while rearranging all of my others.. couldn't find one

I just put it back outside.. it's gonna have to be a big boy plant now
Oh also.. take heart LanMan.. we are all going to work toward harvest together.. and when fruition gets here, this place is going to be a madhouse of pure piquant bliss! :dance: :fireball: :onfire: :party: :hell:

That plant is going to totally make it and be totally BEAST!

I tried to find a place to put my damaged plant inside to get some heat and light while rearranging all of my others.. couldn't find one

I just put it back outside.. it's gonna have to be a big boy plant now

This poor guy.. it's cold as a Ton-Ton's nutsack out their right now..
Thanks all for your encouraging words. I'll get to see the damage when I get home this afternoon. 240 mile drive home after work :violin:
don't love your plants to death....broken limbs and stems will promote new bushy growth...it's natures way of "pruning"

plant your chiles, leave them alone (besides water and food), and they will flourish...
Only two were really hurt. One aji yellow was bent over but not broken and another aji yellow was broken off above the third leaf. Aside from that there were a few ripped leaves but nothing serious. You can see the decapitated Aji Yellow in my grow log. It now lives in the ground.