The HOT Cold/Slushy Drinks
My children are grown and out of the house now, but they do remember how I’d make them ‘Slushy’ drinks in the summer: Ice Cream, Ice cubes, flavored syrup or soda, all ground up in my wife’s good blender. They also remember the time I made them the HOT Slushys
My wife does not like to be around the kitchen when I get into one of my ‘I’m going to make something hot’ moods. I used to make my own hot sauces, and of course I just had to use my wife’s good blender. As I was more focused in the end results, cleaning the blender thoroughly just wasn’t one of my priorities. Yes, I rinsed it out, and of course I told my wife ‘yes darling, I cleaned it out with hot water and soap. Several weeks passed, and it was a hot summer day, and the kids bugged me to make them my Slushy drinks. So, out comes the vanilla ice cream, ice cubes, peach soda – all mixed together in the blender. I gave each one of my 4 children their glass full, and off they went. About a minute later I heard screaming, yelling, and coughing! They came running telling me that their Slushy drinks were HOT! I told them that ice cream drinks cannot be hot, so I tasted one of them, and sure enough – it was HOT! Quite a shock to the system when you expect a cold, soothing drink only to find your throat burning!
Well, it seems that I must not have cleaned out the blender very well, and that oil had soaked into the rubber gasket.
Many years later, the kids still remember the time that dad made the ‘HOT’ Slushys.
The good news – I inherited the old blender which I still use to grind peppers with!
My children are grown and out of the house now, but they do remember how I’d make them ‘Slushy’ drinks in the summer: Ice Cream, Ice cubes, flavored syrup or soda, all ground up in my wife’s good blender. They also remember the time I made them the HOT Slushys
My wife does not like to be around the kitchen when I get into one of my ‘I’m going to make something hot’ moods. I used to make my own hot sauces, and of course I just had to use my wife’s good blender. As I was more focused in the end results, cleaning the blender thoroughly just wasn’t one of my priorities. Yes, I rinsed it out, and of course I told my wife ‘yes darling, I cleaned it out with hot water and soap. Several weeks passed, and it was a hot summer day, and the kids bugged me to make them my Slushy drinks. So, out comes the vanilla ice cream, ice cubes, peach soda – all mixed together in the blender. I gave each one of my 4 children their glass full, and off they went. About a minute later I heard screaming, yelling, and coughing! They came running telling me that their Slushy drinks were HOT! I told them that ice cream drinks cannot be hot, so I tasted one of them, and sure enough – it was HOT! Quite a shock to the system when you expect a cold, soothing drink only to find your throat burning!
Well, it seems that I must not have cleaned out the blender very well, and that oil had soaked into the rubber gasket.
Many years later, the kids still remember the time that dad made the ‘HOT’ Slushys.
The good news – I inherited the old blender which I still use to grind peppers with!