disease-pests Strange Brown/Black spots on newest leaves

So this lightning habanero plant has been growing for just over a month out of rockwool with general hydroponics nutrients. Its just under 4" tall and the newest cluster of leaves at the top have these strange dark spots. None of the baby leaves lower on the plant have them, nor do my other plants. What's going on here?


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Appsauce87 said:
Flora series Gro, Bloom, and Micro. Ive been giving them water with 1 tsp per gallon of each for over a week now.

So it is something like 15ml to 3,8 litres of water, to me that sounds very strong nutrient solution.
Oops, should have done metric. 5ml per 3.8 litres. And im using distilled water. The ph is about 5.5 to 6.0 after letting the nutrients settle. I just watered them with a new batch at 3ml just in case you're right. What are signs of nutrients being too high?
Appsauce87 said:
5ml of each i mean. Thats what the bottles say for "mild vegetative" growth. Am i not there yet?
What the bottle says might not be the right values for chili growing and most manufacturers always wants you to use the nutes as fast as possible.
Appsauce87 said:
Ok. Well i rolled back to the nutrient mix i was previously using. Is there anything else i should do?
I am not that familiar with hydroponics, but that distilled water usage bit got me a bit curious..Is that common practice in hydroponics.
Seems to be. I have pretty hard water where i live, which can make it difficult for the nutrient mixes to properly absorb. From what ive read, distilled water is more of a clean slate to start with. Its worked well so far, just this new batch of leaves looked funky. My 2 ghost pepper plants are looking fine tho. They have been a tad shorter than the lightning habanero plant, but growing much more symmetrical
1. Lightning habanero
2. Ghost
3. Ghost


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Theres not much to see. The 2 ghost each have 1 big hairy root coming out of the bottom of the blocks, but the l.h. has a few wimpy roots. Thats a 4" block, so they've traveled pretty far
If you want to have problems with nutrients in hydro, then you've definitely selected the right brand.  It's really hard to diagnose problems in hydro, individually.  But my advice, is that you make a sample switch to a good single part nutrient, and see if it improves.  I started with GH, like everyone else, and moved on very quickly.  Of particular concern to me, was that the nutrient line didn't seem to be properly buffered, and I would experience some rather wild pH swings. 
Contrary to bottle directions - which are designed to keep you buying nutrients - you don't need to switch to any other formulation later, for "bloom".   So look for something that works well in hydro, but also is formulated with calcium. (very important)   See if that improves.