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Strange first true leaves on Tondo Piccante

I included a picture (sorry for blurry photo) of strangely shapen true leaves on Tondo Piccante pepper seedlings I am growing. My habaneros and jalapenos are all okay but this Tondo Piccante has some weird looking leaves, like they are conjoined or like they have been cut on the rim. Is this normal or a sign of problems?
I've had leaves that were combined like that. Never seemed to be a problem for me. Maybe one of the experts can give you better, more scientific advice, though.
No scientific advise needed - while not technically "normal", it happens often enough with no negative results that I'd say a simple "don't worry about it." 
Well I was curious because I have 4 Tondo Picante seedlings and all of them have weird looking leaves. I thought this is specific for this type of pepper. They also start growing 2-3 leaves at the same time as opposed to other types of peppers where new leaves are introduced one at a time
I have an adjuma plant with similar looking leaves, though slightly less mutant looking.
Seems ok, just some weird genetics, a bug in the programming.
Agreed with above responses. I have 2 growing now that had the same condition... After they get larger, you'll never remember which plant it was - they all end up looking "normal" in the end.
This is a WILD GUESS...but, I think maybe a part of it is inbreeding, some seed sources have been intrabreeding the genes from the same pool of one specific variety for so long that they start mutating.  Sometimes you get a beneficial mutation, sometimes not. *shrug*