breeding Strange flower pod in a cross?

I've never seen a flower on a plant look like this. Is this normal for the peppers this plant is from? Bbg x reaper is the cross.

Hybrid_Mode_01 said:
     That lumpy green thing is the flower's calyx. Bubblegums are known for big calyces.
Justosmo said:
Cool, I've never grown them so I was surprised how big they looked.
some of us get more excited about the dang Calyx then we do the pepper  :crazy:   :rofl:
not the healthiest plant in this pic but check out those calyx  :shocked:

MOJO frutegum 

MOJO frutegum    with ripening pod showing enlarged calyx 

Red and Orange bubblegum pods showing bleeding calyx (notice the enlarged calyx on the red one, this is a good thing :) )
imo for  a Bbg x reaper your flowers look great  :party:
One of my 2 YBBG7 plants last year had such huge calyxes the flowers couldn't pollinate, dropped every single flower that developed.
LOOKING GOOD! Yeah thats the BBG cap. Strange trait..and wonder why it never popped up in other peppers. Good peppers though..BBG is an enjoyable pepper.