Strange Leaf Growth

I posted this in another forum also, and have not gotten any responses yet. This plant was growing well and looking great, but the new leaf growth is very small and twisted looking. Just wondering if it might be something I did, or if it just happens, thanks.



Okay now most of my other plants are showing the same thing. I don't know what it could be. Cool wet weather maybe? Either that or possibly because I added mulch to the pots? Anyone have any ideas? Maybe PH? Heck I dunno I am open to any suggestions here.
I think they'll be fine, it's just new growth. the rest of your plant looks very healthy though it looks like one of your leaves in the 2nd pic has had a snail munching on it. is there any sign of mites, webbing, small bugs etc?
No sign of snails or webbing, but I think I may have found the culprit. A very small red bug was running round one of the pots tonite. No idea what it was, but time to exterminate just in case. Bright red bout the size of a gnat, but no wings. Weird.
a spider mite??? is a gnat really really small? check the undersides of the leaves to search for webs. normally these (red) mites cause leaves to curl downwards. wash with mild soapy water. also, try to increase the humidity of the area around the plant - try sticking it in the bathroom if there is sufficient light. make sure you get rid of them as they can kill your plant.

I have noticed that sometimes my hab plants produce crinkly sort of leaves like the ones in your pics and end up ok. have you changed the plant's watering/feeding schedule? anything else? do you have other plants doing the same or is this the only one?
ok i got insect soap and am gonna try to blast the little beasties this afternoon. I sure hope this stuff works, it will be a long boring summer if all of my plants die!
Hey you're having the exact same problem I had it seems. I never did get it sorted out, I ended up tossing out 20 something plants. It sucked. Good luck, and let me know if you get it figured out. I thought it might be spider mites or thrips, and spider mites are tiny red bugs with no wings about the size of a period or smaller. I tried all kinds of insecticides and it kept happening so I'm not sure if it was their fault or not. Good luck.
Txclosetgrower said:
Hey you're having the exact same problem I had it seems. I never did get it sorted out, I ended up tossing out 20 something plants. It sucked. Good luck, and let me know if you get it figured out. I thought it might be spider mites or thrips, and spider mites are tiny red bugs with no wings about the size of a period or smaller. I tried all kinds of insecticides and it kept happening so I'm not sure if it was their fault or not. Good luck.

Well that doesn't sound very encouraging. I dunno what to do. I have only found 2 kinds of bugs on em. 1 kind is the red ones and the other is kind of a longer black winged thing with an orangish colored head. Dunno what either are, but sprayed em today so we shall see. Hope my fate isn't the same as yours.
Mine put out those little crinkly leaves just before they put out flower buds.
BTW I gave up on the soap..seemed to be making the plants sick & the bugs were always back the next week. Went for the Pyrethrum spray. Gave a good coating to my 3 worst affected (infected?) plants, seems to have knocked them out.
I think the leaf crinkle part is normal, but the chlorosis at the base of the leaves and the fact that you said the leaves were small as well still makes me think it's a nutritional problem. You can clear that up with an application of a good, complete - as in has all the macro and micro nutrients - fertilizer.
gardenkiller said:
OK not to advertise my lack of intelligence here, but what exactly is chlorosis?

Chlorosis is a yellowing of leaf tissue due to a lack of chlorophyll. There are a lot of reasons why the leaves get chlorotic, some nutritional, some from disease or insects. I posted a link to a page that describes nutritional deficiencies a few days ago so you could see if any of the descriptions fit what you were seeing.

I noticed my Aji Dulcie II plants looked pale green shortly after I put them in the ground, and it looked like they needed a bit of iron. A Grenada Seasoning pepper that I overwintered had it's new leaves small and pale green, plus the stems looked shortened, so I figured it needed some extra zinc.
Thanks for the education on that Pam, that is yet one more reason that I love this place.

Update on the bugs.... Turns out I have aphids and spider mites. I gave a good path with pythrerin spray tonite so I am gonna hope for the best. I am praying that I don't have to toss all of my plants!!