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On the internet I saw a video about popping the seeds off the sides of strawberries. Easier said than done. I ended up turning a strawberry into a mash and spreading it out. It said 2 to 3 days to let it dry. Weeks later, I am still getting new seedlings popping up. They just aren't getting bigger. More of them now. I have been waiting for them to get stronger to separate them and move them to new containers, but maybe they have to be moved before they will get bigger.
My guess is they're slow growers by seed, since they're typically planted by crowns? Have you had a good stretch of warmth?
I've grown strawberries from seeds before, they are definitely slow growers to start, they usually take about 2-3 months before they get to a size decent enough to plant out. Also plan to grow them for about a year or two before you get much in the way of fruit.
Personally I like to grow things for the fun of it, but if production is your goal, starting them from crowns or runners is a far more efficient way of getting fruit.
Strawberries can take several weeks to germinate and grow very slowly at first.  You're going to want to pinch off any buds the first year, you'll hardly get any fruit anyway and it'll significantly help your harvest the following year.  Strawberries are a long term plant so only grow them if you're prepared to keep them around long term.
Sounds like high nitrogen fertilizer would be the way to go, to encourage leaves to develop more than flowers. I thought that strawberries were supposed to grow fast, so I thought I was doing something wrong. I read that freezing the seeds would have led to faster germination, but it is too late. There are already about a dozen seedlings, and not one has reached an inch tall. Which is why I am reluctant to try separating them. One fell over and seems to be dying.
My plants aren't getting any bigger. I don't know why not. Still no true leaves, either. The only reason I was trying it was because I was interested in growing them from seed, from strawberries at the grocery. I used to have strawberries in the back yard when I was a kid. One day we accidentally got locked out of the house after a trip to the library, so my brother and I went to the back yard to eat them. It just seemed like it would be nice to have fresh strawberries again. More of them, maybe. It would be nice to use the runners to spread them all around the neighborhood.
I have grown plenty of strawberries from seed, it is not overly difficult.  Yours look leggy, I don't think they are getting enough light.  Give them more light (but don't cook them) and they should push out some true leaves.
Thanks. I will try more light. I thought that they would be okay longer with artificial light. My peppers were more forgiving.
I have grown them under artificial lights once before and they did ok.  The lack of true leaves is worrying, I am not sure what else to suggest.
I should also warn you that if you ever buy strawberry seed to be very careful and only buy from people that you trust.  There are HEAPS of people selling seeds through ebay and online  that do not exist.  Also, do some research to ensure that any seeds you buy actually exist. 
Check this out:  http://living-mudflower.blogspot.com.au/2016/09/amazing-coloured-strawberries.html
Those strawberries were photoshopped really nicely. I would like to eat fruit like that.
My seeds came from the salad bar at my local grocery store. From off the sides of actual strawberries.