• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Streetspirit - Ouverture - 2014/2015

Let's Start


Preparation of the pots: two small glass one in an other, the internal punched and with perlite on the bottom

Preparation of the mixture: soli and 20% perlite


Babies getting stronger

Some macros


Time to be transplanted

The long way to the top... aka some experiments

Same mix with perlite 20% added. I prefer while transplanting to insert a copy of the previous pot in the soil as a plate to help the process. Then I let the water with radicant added strain down the board and I put some michorrizal fungi on bottom.

Little by little...

Think Pink

Time for a second Transplant: same process.


A rapid view of my setup

Third transplant: the last one. Differences between normal pot and air pot in roots development.


We go!
