seeds Stubborn Chile Tepin seedling isn't growing much

They are finicky. Get em in a larger container (solo cup) with fresh soil and give em something different, like more sun. A change may lead to a change in growth.
Looks to me like it ain't going far with the casing still on it.  A good root pruning would put your worries to rest.
3/5King said:
Can't really tell on my phone but it looks like a helmet head?

I'd cut that off and see where it gets ya
You may be right.
Inside the seed husk is another clear membrane, it can turn into a second helmet.
It can be tricky to remove. I did it once using a pair of my wife's dainty little scissors,,, cough.
Ahh, so it is a helmet head? I'd hate to say it, but if it hasn't popped off by now, it probably never will on it's own.
Maybe search the forums on the best way to remove a helmet head. Here's what i used.
I used my surgical scissors that I have for decals in model building and you are right, it is gone. Pisses me off as this is the second year I tried to grow a Tepin and last year they wouldn't even germinate and now this. Oh well who needs them anyhow? :banghead:
Sorry to hear it, but unless you lopped the head completely off, don't give up on it yet.
I lopped off the leaves on my last attempt, but the 1st set of true leaves popped out afterwards anyway. I got real lucky with that one.
Yes the head came off and what was inside it was brown and dry. I yanked it so it's gone. It's too late in the season to fool around with plants that are stubborn.
Don't give up on a great pepper. The most important thing when germinating seeds is to make sure you purchase/trade for quality seeds. You are only as good as your seed quality.
If you are up for the drive, I have a few Chiltepin plants you could have. Come down to Santa Monica and they are all yours. :)