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Stunted 7 Pod Primo - Any advice?

Hello, I am new to this forum. I am a huge fan of hot peppers so I picked up the habit of growing peppers indoors as I am in the midwest and live in an apartment. My 7 pod primo appears to be stunted and was wondering if anyone might have any advice as to what might be causing it. That and I just wanted to post some pictures of my babies :D. It was growing well until recently I have not noticed any growth at all in the last 5 days or so.
I am growing in Coco. I failed to rinse it thoroughly after hydrating it but I have recently flushed everything through.
My runoff PH is about 7.5 ( I understand this is high but I am trying to let the plant dry out in case the roots have been sitting in water for to long.
I am feeding it nutrients, called Davids Grow from Simple Path
Grow: 2.8-0-0
Base 1.6-1.8-7.4
My best guess is the roots are soaking wet. I have that terrible habit of over caring for it and have probably been feeding it to often (about every 3 days) with half solution strength nutrients.
I took a few pictures however I was unable to figure out how to load them to my post so I posted as my profile pic.
Any advice on how to get it going again? Thanks for looking at my post.
How to post pictures
With ph that high plant will have trouble absorbing nutrients.
Coco has good drainage... Do your pots have holes in the bottom? excess water should just drain out into a tray or something. 
Coco has 0 micro nutrients so you need to make sure your nutes have everything the plant will need.
It's ok to let the plant wilt a little between waterings.
Thanks for your response on this. I believe they do include micro nutrients. I have done a bit of research and a lot of it has come from this site. 
My pot is a 7 gal and it does have drainage holes on the bottom. I would usually find that the water would collect and unless I emptied it it would take a few days for it to evaporate.
I did try your link on added pictures and it looks like you have to have membership to upload. I did manage to post it online at the following website if you would like to see what I have.
It seems to have a bit of leaf curl but so far its hard to tell on the new growth since its stop growing.
Thanks again.
I think your biggest issue right now is impatience ;) ... Stop watching them as closely and come back in a week if you don't see any new growth ... Chinense varieties tend ( with what I have seen in my own plants) to have growth spurts and then when first forking tend to slow a little ... Like I said they look perfectly healthy at this point in time ...
I'm doing a few in pure coir using a mix of  Gen Hydro Flora A and B. That's about what mine look like after about a month.
Some coirs are not washed  of the salt water as well as others and hence a possible higher pH.
Once a week, I was told, you should do a good clean water (7.0 ph 0ppm minearls) flush. to prevent salt build up. I water once per day until I see the pot leak a little.
Thanks a lot for your replies! It feels great to know I have reached with other fellow pepper growers as I have no friends that share my love for hot peppers. 
Ya, I actually grew a plant in an aeroponic unit last year and I somehow managed to make it work out but then I moved and had to get rid of it. It required a lot maintenance and had to fill it with water every day or 2 but in the end im sure it wasnt the plant I was going for. 

This time around I picked up seeds from pepperlover.com as this was recommended by someone on this site. I love THP!!
I will try and patient as well. To me its like Christmas every day. Cant wait to get home from work and check it out, same with when I wake up. lol
It all started when I went to a hydroponics shop and tried a few of their sample hydro habaneros grown right in their shop. I was in love. Thats where it all began. Been trying now for 2 years. I really hope this works out though. Coco is a new thing for me.
Thanks again for your feed back!

