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Stunted Growth causes?

Howdy all,

I took this photo about three weeks ago, and I wish I had a photo of it right now. But, for now you'll have to take my word on it. That same plant looks the same size and has the same number of leaves, besides the two seedling leaves that fell off as it does in the photo below. Actually, it's probably more yellow all over now. I do see some very small growth where the branches meet the stem. But, the plant seems to have stunted. That said, I another pepper that I started at the same time, that is much bigger and green. This isn't the only plant either. Out of about 40 plants, I have about 5 that appear to be yellow and stunted.

Sorry about that crappy writing above. I have no idea how I communicate sometimes. So, I apologize if I'm not clear.

What causes stunting like that?


Thank you for your feedback.
Looks like it could be a case of too much love! It looks like it's getting more light than it needs and could be over fertilized. What kind of fertilizer regiment are you using if any? At that size most plants don't need any fertilizer unless you are growing in a soil-less medium. I had one guy with a similar problem that didn't hold up to the stress I put it through early on and I ended up scrapping it because I had a duplicate plant that was doing much better.
Looks like too much water and ferts to me. Mine only require watering about every 4 to 5 days now. As long as the growing medium is moist you don't need to do much. I only use a friendly seedling fert at this stage and progress to an adult version when they go outside.
I have the same issue with 4-5 plants. All have been given the same amount of water, light and heat as the others but are much smaller. They have shown nearly zero growth in the last 3 1/2 weeks. The other plants seem to be doing OK.
Sometimes some are inferior, might grow out of it, might not. I had that problem last year, don't know why, new seed this year and it's a whole different story...
The seedlings sre no doubt stunted, as mentioned above overwatering will cause yellowing in the leaves, especially where theres poor drainage .Overfertilizing (high in Potassium) will cause purple leaves, but most common are seedlings left in a seed starter mix too long with no additional supplements. Transplanting when additional seedlings are planted together and tearing the roots apart during the process is another common problem.The plants may come back, but you might be looking at poor pod production. I'd recommend replanting the seedlings into a fresh medium and giving them a drink of water only. If you see new vigorous green growth after a week then your on your way. But if the plant starts dropping lower leaves then I'd toss it............. :(

Thanks all for the feedback, and just so you can see the "progress" here are some current photos of the one above and a handful of others that are similar.


This is the one from earlier**************************************




Oh, and they were all transplanted from the previous soil to MG Moisture Control about two weeks ago.

Sometimes some are inferior, might grow out of it, might not. I had that problem last year, don't know why, new seed this year and it's a whole different story...

Man! I was kind of fearing that. So, I've soaked some Tepins in Chamo/Mint tea. I didn't have straight Chamo, so I hope the mint doesn't mess them up. Seeded them last night in jiffy pellets. The seeds above are from TradeWinds Fruit. The one's I'm planting now are from PepperLover.com. I'm thinking that it won't matter much with tepins that I'm getting a late start.

On a side note, I've tried to germinate some Hungarian Hot Cherry seeds from PepperLover to no avail. I definitely don't think it's because the quality of seed. Everything I've heard about PepperLover is great.

From the pics above, you'll notice the larger plants in the background....they were planted after the small ones.
Definitely back off on the ferts for those guys and see what they do. But yeah, as S.S. Tupperware said there are some guys that just don't respond well to their environment. I had two 7 pot Primos that I thought I treated equally and one just tanked like yours. I chucked it and the other one is doing great now. What kind of lights are you using? Are you getting that purpling on any of your other plants because that's wild, I've never seen that kind of harsh purple on anything.

Good luck on your new babies
They also look pretty wet. I'd back off on the watering too. The pods growing on that plant will stunt its growth. The purple looks like it has been to close to the light!That is unless it's suppose to have purple foliage.
Definitely back off on the ferts for those guys and see what they do. But yeah, as S.S. Tupperware said there are some guys that just don't respond well to their environment. I had two 7 pot Primos that I thought I treated equally and one just tanked like yours. I chucked it and the other one is doing great now. What kind of lights are you using? Are you getting that purpling on any of your other plants because that's wild, I've never seen that kind of harsh purple on anything.

Good luck on your new babies

Thanks mrz1988. I haven't fertilized them in a while. I figured the new soil had some in it. From what I've gathered around the forums, the purple color is like a sun tan. The leaves can turn purple from being under the lights like they are. I'm using 6500k T8's 32w on those plants.

They also look pretty wet. I'd back off on the watering too. The pods growing on that plant will stunt its growth. The purple looks like it has been to close to the light!That is unless it's suppose to have purple foliage.

Yeah, I have been careful not to over water them. I've made sure I stick with bottom watering too. They seem to need watering every 4 to 5 days at this point.
now time to weigh in

the plants need a few things to grow

medium(MG moisture control)
light (T8s 6500 K )
water (bottom watered)

warmth ( not stated)
atmosphere (oxygen and carbon dioxide in quantity)

please try to give fresh air and moving air it may be a few minutes and or hours outdoors
can jump start the juices and get them growing again

think how much better you feel after getting out to the fresh air
( careful to "harden off" so little to no sun burn )
good growing
