Stunted new Carolina Reaper

there are so many ways to solve this problem but there's one way that's always guaranteed to work.
do this ->
switch to kratky hydroponic setup
1. coco coir as a medium  + osmocote fertilizer + amino acid + B-vitamins + seaweed extract + humic acid
2. hydroponic nutrient at the bottom of the container
3. raise humidity
your c. chinense seedling will grow like crazy.   be careful, leaves will be huge!
lek said:
there are so many ways to solve this problem but there's one way that's always guaranteed to work.
do this ->
switch to kratky hydroponic setup
1. coco coir as a medium  + osmocote fertilizer + amino acid + B-vitamins + seaweed extract + humic acid
2. hydroponic nutrient at the bottom of the container
3. raise humidity
your c. chinense seedling will grow like crazy.   be careful, leaves will be huge!
I'll try that next time around. Hydroponics is great. I grew an illegal plant that way and worked good. Had a pump for full and drain system setup. All auto.

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04cobraboy said:
Got the seeds germinated and planted, I have them growing inside. They were coming up good, but over the past week or more they've stopped growing at all and are turning slight yellow. I've gave them water but haven't under or over watered them. I'm assuming it's a deficiency of something. I have cayenne and Serrano in there as well and they are doing awesome! I'm new to the forum so take it easy on me. I'll try to upload a pic.
My Reaper did the same thing. It barely changed for a few weeks before it started to grow. I thought it was dying.
It looked like this for ~2 weeks. That was 31 days ago. Now it is picking up. Bottom left in the purple pot is that same plant.
