so you have some slow growth?
looks like some leafminer activity on the lower picture(s)
i have started to see some of that and it looks like there is a
bit of scrunching on some of the lower leaves like some brownish purplish crap
i also have both of those at my place.
you may get some slowing from plants energies being directed towards the "invaders"
for the leafminers i have been removing the leaves as i find the 'infected' ones
the scrunching am trying to ignore and hope it will go away
as now am full into reacting to some cabbage loopers attacking
all else be damned,
i am trying to put the BT spray on the undersides of all
the leaves without getting it washed off by the badly timed rain showers
i think they all have hatched and they are very small so hard to locate them
kill all them F ing caterpillars