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Stupid Trees

Hey guys/gals,

I was hoping to get some opinions and/or past experiences if anyone has had the same problem that I am faced with.

I live in a house that is surrounded by big trees. Throughout the fall and winter I was tracking the sun and figured that when summer came around and the sun's elevation angle changed with summer, I would have enough light at spots in my backyard that would allow for peppers to grow, so I was planning on potting up all of my little guys and putting them there in the corner.

Turns out, as trees are filling out and the sun is getting higher, there is going to be minimal (at MOST 3-4 hours) of direct sun in specific sections of my back yard. Granted, there will be spotty direct sun through leaves and branches the rest of the day, but I am not sure that this will suffice.

I may have to take the pots to the front of the house where one patch of ground gets about 8 hours of direct sun, but I would like to avoid that if possible.

Has anyone grown peppers under canopy cover? Is it possible, or is direct sunlight the only way to go?

Any help is appreciated.

By the way, I am growing Bhut Jolokia, Cayenne, Long Reds, Tabasco, Bolivian Rainbows, Jalapeno and Orange Habs.

Thanks again.
My best Bhut last year was grown in shade which was a big surprise to me...

grew bigger and way more productive then others grown in direct sun...

i think indirect is ok as well...
Well during the summer I can't grow plants in direct sun... they'll die. so yes, a shady spot will work.

I have been successful with partial shade but find it varies according to species. For instance, Caribbean Reds and chinense varieties in general appear to love the sun.

But, my chiltepins (both red and yellow) and my Rocoto do not do as well in direct sun as they do under the canopy of a tree.
in indian chili grow fields the plants are grown underneath the canopy to protect them from the elements. as ig said. trees are our friends (at least untill a branch falls off crushing of homes but more importantly ruining the chili harvest.
I ran into that same problem last year. Fortunatly mine are oak trees and easily "thinned out". They got about 4-5 hrs sunlight and did just fine. Thai's had the best yield, then jalapenos, habs didnt do so well.
In my climate, I can't get enough sun and spoil some plants by moving them around to get as much direct sun as possible. I don't think much would grow well here with only minimal direct light
I grew my Caribbean Reds and Orange Hananeros in 7 hours a day, and even the ones getting less than that would get 50+ pods a bush.

You would be suprised how well they do in partial sun.
You guys made my day.

Last thing my fiance' wants is a ton of 15" pots in the middle of the front yard in her sunning space.

The spot I found gets about 2 hours of sun in the morning and 2+ hours of sun in the evening and spots in between.

Learning is good.

Thanks again.
Yes,you must be careful of hot peppers in the front if children are about.Angry mommies are kinda hot but also kinda scarey!
Haha... 3 year old kid walking by pops a Bhut in his mouth.

... will never steal again.

I actually live in Blacksburg, so college kids are everywhere. I am actually a EE working on my masters. My biggest fear with the peppers in the front is that some Saturday morning I would wake up to a nasty drunk prank and all of my peppers would be gone or destroyed.

... I've seen worse around here.
PS... just a general thanks to everyone here at THP.

I've been a chilehead for about 5 months now and I have learned a TON from this place. I enjoy reading and learning every day.

Binganero said:
Haha... 3 year old kid walking by pops a Bhut in his mouth.

... will never steal again.

I actually live in Blacksburg, so college kids are everywhere. I am actually a EE working on my masters. My biggest fear with the peppers in the front is that some Saturday morning I would wake up to a nasty drunk prank and all of my peppers would be gone or destroyed.

... I've seen worse around here.

Post signs around them that say "Deadly Nightshade, NO NOT EAT!".