Stupid vinegar

I think I screwed up royally. I made about 20 quarts of pickles tonight and then realized that the vinegar I was using smelled unusally strong. When I checked the label I found out the vinegar was 100% not 5%..does anyone know whats gonna happen to my precious naga pickles?
100% vineger? Lets see a pic of that bottle! I doubt that it's 100% acetic acid, unless you bought it from a chemical company. If you bought it at the grocery store, it can't be. Plus, if there was even the tiniest bit of condensation or water involved in the pickle making, there would have been some pyrotechnics when 100% acid hit it! :lol:

If it's store bought vinegar, the pickles will be fine.
FiveStar said:
100% vineger? Lets see a pic of that bottle! I doubt that it's 100% acetic acid, unless you bought it from a chemical company. If you bought it at the grocery store, it can't be. Plus, if there was even the tiniest bit of condensation or water involved in the pickle making, there would have been some pyrotechnics when 100% acid hit it! :lol:

If it's store bought vinegar, the pickles will be fine.
I think I am overreacting. It is a chinese vinegar probably for making kimchi. Hell 10% is weed killer and that can only be bought at chem companies. I am thinking that Mr Hung Won Low meant to say 100% natural vinegar..
What was your vinegar/water ratio for your pickles? said:
What was your vinegar/water ratio for your pickles?

Hey THP usually I do 50/50 but this vinegar just smells so dern potent. I opened a bottle of the normal stuff I use and well it smells like vinegar but this junk is wow..burn your eyes while boiling potent
I say let it sit for a couple weeks to a month and give one a try. I seriously doubt you bought anything toxic from a food store.
JayT said:
I say let it sit for a couple weeks to a month and give one a try. I seriously doubt you bought anything toxic from a food store.

I agree ..I think I just jumped to conclusions due to the poorly printed label.
Anyway here is my cucumber Naga Pickles.
