pests Sugar like pests

I've been growing a few chillies the past 4-5 months, and they are doing quite well a this point. The first flower has bloomed, and everything seemed fine - but today I noticed white spots on the under side of some of the leaves, and some kind of sugar-like pests on the top. I have searched the forum, but couldn't find any pests matching these.
Does anyone know if it's harmful, and wether I should try to fight it, or just let it be?
- Simon
That is called edema, it is no pest:
This is a condition caused by a chili plant taking on more water through its root system that it can use in growth or transpire through its leaves.
It causes strange-looking crystalline growths on leaves. In itself, edema causes little harm but is symptomatic of other problems.
So in short it is mostly caused by overwatering the chili so try not to water the chilis too much.
Chilidude said:
That is called edema, it is no pest:
This is a condition caused by a chili plant taking on more water through its root system that it can use in growth or transpire through its leaves.
It causes strange-looking crystalline growths on leaves. In itself, edema causes little harm but is symptomatic of other problems.
So in short it is mostly caused by overwatering the chili so try not to water the chilis too much.
Well, that was an easy solution, even though I try not to over water it. Thank you for your reply :-)
Just to be sure, I've added another picture of the leaves, this time from the bottom.
You may not even water it too much, but the soil could very well stay wet for too long between waterings and chili develops that edema thing because of that very reason.

So the short answer is that the soil mix is no good for chili growing, as most chili like something that is airy and dries out quite fast between waterings.