Sugar looking powder on year old Chocoat hab

shaggs2riches said:
I checked out Azamax and I will try to order some, if I can't fiND it locally. I went through what I had on hand, and I had half a bottle of concentrate Bug B Gone ecosence insecticidal soap. I also found a bottle of neem oil in our medicine cabinet. It is the same as this stuff...

Would that neem oil be anyway helpful? Also how would one go about mixing it up to use? I have 70 plants one month away from going in the garden. I took a look at my plants this evening,and it looks like a bit of sooty mould is starting to develop. I picked a couple leaves off that had it, but they will be needing a thorough cleaning tomorrow. It's funny because I really didn't see anything the other day when I watered them. Until I get something better, I need to try with what I got or can get real fast. This seems a lot worse of trouble than aphids ever were.
Neem oil may help a little but I dont think it will have a major impact. 
Reasons being neem works via contact only, so you need to be very vigilant and ensure you hit all the bugs with it, which is generally close to impossible with a few plants.
Secondly, neem may have minimal effect on them (the scale stage) or be very hit and miss as they say they have a waxy coating on them which gives them at least some protection against contact pesticides.
the main thing is to kill the scale stage. Then wait a week or two till the eggs that were currently laid have hatched and turned into scale again. Then kill those again before they can become adults and lay eggs again and the cycle is broken and you can manage it from there.
if neem oil is all you have then I would definitely spray them with it anyway.
even if I planned to pick up something else soon id still spray them with it to start the battle asap. its gotta do at least some good
Neem oil won't remove pests entirely but as a proactive treatment it's going to be far better than reactive treatment with almost anything
I may have missed it but does anyone know what brings these little buggers around? do they travel dormant in soils, or are they an intruder from outside? I have not noticed anything yet in my grow. But I would like to know where they come from and im going out on a limb here but my guess is that early detection is the best?
And just a side note, reading this and seeing the treatments. What about using diatomaceous earth?? Its used pretty widely for fleas, roaches, bedbugs etc, a lot of creatures with harder exoskeletons.... Thoughts?
Blitz527 said:
I may have missed it but does anyone know what brings these little buggers around? do they travel dormant in soils, or are they an intruder from outside? I have not noticed anything yet in my grow. But I would like to know where they come from and im going out on a limb here but my guess is that early detection is the best?
And just a side note, reading this and seeing the treatments. What about using diatomaceous earth?? Its used pretty widely for fleas, roaches, bedbugs etc, a lot of creatures with harder exoskeletons.... Thoughts?
Intruder from outside. The flies that lay the eggs are very mobile. The eggs need to be laid on good fresh growth as they hatch into the scale insects directly on the plant, and are not very mobile, and need to feed on the plant sap to continue life. If it managed to hatch in the soil it would be screwed anyway.
Basically what im saying is they/eggs are not dormant in soil and are laid on the plant by the flies.
diatomaceous earth may help but again it wont be a cure. It would kill some of the flies, but would obviously be dependent on them getting it on themselves or you getting it on them - so you will only ever get a small number of them. and as I said they (the flies) are very mobile. I think all the little things would help though. The more you can do to make it a bad environment for them to inhabit the better.
Sulphur, diatomaceous earth etc. they will all help a little in that respect.
Blitz527 said:
I may have missed it but does anyone know what brings these little buggers around? do they travel dormant in soils, or are they an intruder from outside? I have not noticed anything yet in my grow. But I would like to know where they come from and im going out on a limb here but my guess is that early detection is the best?
And just a side note, reading this and seeing the treatments. What about using diatomaceous earth?? Its used pretty widely for fleas, roaches, bedbugs etc, a lot of creatures with harder exoskeletons.... Thoughts?
got to microwave your soil ,     :party:
I used some neem oil to help fend them off a bit. Too bad the neem oil takes time to show any changes though. I ended up mixing 3/4 tsp of neem oil, and 3/4 tsp of Dr.bronners unscented castile soap with 24 ounces of water. First I gave them a spray down in the tub with water to knock off what I could. Then I sprayed them all over and under. Ended up mixing 4 bottles of the stuff to get my 70 new plants and large chocolate habanero from last year. One thing is for sure, my plants looked real nice after the spray down. Once the plants were dry, I put them back under the lights.
moruga welder said:
got to microwave your soil ,     :party:
Microwaving your soil wont help in this case as they are not in the soil.
The eggs are not in the soil, nymphs are not in the soil, and neither are the flies.
Psyllids do not persist in soil and spend no part of their lives or reproduction cycle in the soil.
OP how are you plants going? I did my semi regular spray for psyllids a couple days ago..they were starting to build up. 
Sorry I didn't get back right away lol. I sprayed down every single plant with water and let them dry. I then used the neem and soap solution. I noticed they were back almost a week later. I rinsed them again with water. Once dry I used Safers End All spray (no neem version only available in Canada). Almost a week down the road and I am noticing a few of them again. My plants have shown a huge sign of over watering from all the rinsing. Lots of yellow leaves with brown/black spots. Quite a few bigger leaves have fallen off the plants. I will probably keep up with the rinsing with water until they can go outside. Spraying indoors even though, manufacture said it was safe indoors, left a strong smell through my house for a couple days.