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sugar rush peach

so i have some nice pods on my sugar rush peach that have been hanging on for a few weeks now, how long until they ripen?
I had tons of green lemon drops on a plant for about a month before the first one turned yellow. When it did start to turn it happened fast. One day it was just a spot of yellow and a couple days later it was all yellow.
i grow sugar rush peach too. ;)     it set fruit on last month, now the pod is still green.   i didn't do anything with this pepper plant.   whitefly are welcome to eat this plant.  
ShowMeDaSauce said:
I had tons of green lemon drops on a plant for about a month before the first one turned yellow. When it did start to turn it happened fast. One day it was just a spot of yellow and a couple days later it was all yellow.
Yeah, my lemon drop set fruit long before any of other plants, but it hasn't been the first the ripen.

Do baccatums in general take longer to ripen than other species?
Or is it just different from one variety to another?
My Anaheim last year took forever to ripen too. I had 1 lemon drop pepper ripen almost a month before any other pepper on the 2 plants. I get a kick out of how they ripen though. I would literally see just a little spot of yellow on a pepper and within just a few days the entire pepper was yellow. In contrast my Anaheim or Cowhorn might stay red/green for over a week.
I have 2 Aji Citos right now. Both have a few pods on them. So we shall see if the trend continues with baccatums. This year it looks like the 90F+ days are here sooner. Gunna be hot the next 2 weeks if the weather man it correct. Last year was milder at this time of year.
I got SRP seeds from a user here (lovepeppers) and I ended up with 2 different pod shapes.
This one appears to be a classic pod:

This one has more of a bonnet shape:
BeerInHand said:
I got SRP seeds from a user here (lovepeppers) and I ended up with 2 different pod shapes.
This one appears to be a classic pod:

This one has more of a bonnet shape:
I'm growing all 3 Sugar Rush varieties this year (Red, Peach, and Cream) and almost 100% sure that 2nd picture is a Sugar Rush Cream. I'll try take a pic of my plant when I get home to compare.
i really like my sugar rush peach a lot. it's in small container, 5 inches pot. this plant set fruit on MAY this year.  now it's setting fruit again on AUG. 
i grow this plant from seed (seed from whitehotpeppers.com). 


I grew out 5 plants of sugar rush peach last year(have a few growing this year too)...
I had 5 different phenotypes:
-true phenotype
-true shape, but red
-2 bonnet shaped and hot
-1 bonnet shaped and not hot, just sweat
Im thinking the sugar rush peach just isnt stable... This year I have a wild patch of Aji's growing so not sure what all I have.
All of my Aji Pineapple were true to form last year(5 or 6 plants) and again this year, true to form.