Suggestions for short season varieties

I have recently moved to an area that has short dry summers.  Normally the summers are not overly hot, but this summer is an exception. 
Many of the plants I have this year are yet to provide any ripe pods at all, and autumn is just around the corner so I am worried that I may not get any ripe at all.  Even the 4 plants that I overwintered, one of which is 4 years old, are yet to ripen.  So I am asking for suggestions of plants that a likely to perform well under these conditions.
Mild, hot, super hot, I am willing to consider them all.
Where exactly are you?
Rocotto is a great producer that will fruit all through the Australian winter. Lives for like 10 years allegedly as well
+1 Yeah, pubescens on the whole (like Rocoto) are great for colder climates.
Most annums and frutescens don't present any probs for me in VIC. Though, start them early.
It's only the chinenses that are a challenge. Where are you?
I am near Canberra.  I have a few C pubescens, one has been flowering like crazy for months but is yet to set any pods.  I think this is partly because my soil is not great.  I also have a chinese that has literally hundreds of flowers, and none have set.  I am starting to worry.