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Suicide by Naga

Ok tonight I will attempt to kill myself by naga. Thanks to my friend AJ, I have received a little carepackage of four different naga varieties. The Bih, Bhut, Morich, and Dorset. My plan tonight is to eat a healthy slice of each and use the remaining to make some Naga poppers. I also plan to take pics of everything along the way. With each pepper I will post pics and description. (no THP I am not auditioning for the reviewer role.) I hope you all enjoy my pain. I am trying to wait for Mrs. JayT to get back with the camera, but I may have to cut open the first pepper before she gets back. Stay tuned.:onfire:
Cool. Don't die. We would miss you.
This will provide superb reading material as i go about trying to come up with something for the drunken chef.

If you do feel as though you are going to drop Jay please get it on film. :D
Ok I have eaten the first pepper, the Bih Jolokia. The first taste is fruity and nice. About one minute in, the hiccups start. The heat has spread throughout my mouth and is concentrating in the back of my mouth and throat. It is a nice heat. Not too intense, but strong. Despite my efforts the hiccups continue. A bit of sweat now. The heat has moved forward to hit the tip of my tongue. I have previously eaten the naga morich three times whole and I feel this has a similar flavor and heat. However it is tough to tell since I only ate a third of this pepper. I have three more to go so I figured it better not to kill myself straight away. I will post the pic of this pepper ASAP. Nose is running now. A very nice pepper. Somwwhere around 2.5 - 3 inches long. Very good. Can't wait to try it with the Smoked Gouda and bacon for the poppers!

You know what TB says about pics... it didn't happen.
thehotpepper.com said:
You know what TB says about pics... it didn't happen.

Dammit they are coming. Didn't you read the post about the woman taking the camera to take pics of my boy with the damned reindeer? I just couldn't wait until she got back to start.

Ok they are back...

Lalalalalalalala. I can't hear you. Lalalalalalala.
:lol: I just talked to her. She is on the way home. Pepper #2 coming soon. I will go back and edit the posts to add the pics. Somewhere in the middle of all this the poppers will happen. I plan on being drunk on beer and nagas tonight!
Poppers and beer sound good - only a few beers for me tonight as i work Saturday - last night was my piss up. :drunk:

The girlfriend did say she was gonna pick up a 12 pack tonight before she gets home :think: Too bad im out of sick days at work. :lol:
Pepper #2 Dorset

This one hits with a bit more punch right off the bat. A bit sharper taste and a bit more of a hit on the tongue. Especially around the underside of the tongue. The taste of similar for a second, but the heat hits much sooner. No hiccups this time, but a lot more sweat.

Holy crap that is a lot hotter! The tip of my tongue is burning, and I am drooling out of my nose.

God that's an awful pic, but real. The missus made me post it because she said it's just how I looked when she walked in the door.
Better prep the "Tales From The Loo: Chile's Attack" thread for tomorrow. I've a notion you will be twice rewarded with severe pain, woe, and gnashing of teeth.
Nah I've done this before. I had a pretty full stomach. Thing is, I had other hot stuff earlier today.