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Suicide by Naga

Ok after an intermission some beverage and a bit of a sandwich (see Drunken Chef) I am back at it. Naga #3 is the Naga Morich. This is the one I am most familiar with. It has a nice fuity taste and a slow building heat. Sweat and tip of tongue burn from this one. No hiccups and the throat burn isn't quite as bad as the Bih. The Dorset seems to have caused me a bit more pain. Could be because it was a little larger.

Ok ate the last of the four - and the worst- the Bhut. Wow. This one is much hotter than the others. I am sweating breathing hard runny nose etc etc. keeping focus to type is difficult. Granted this pepper and the slice I ate was twice as large as the others, but the intense taste and heat became aparrent with the first taste. Again I say wow.



On a side note, I notice that I make a funny face with one eyebrow lower than the other in response to the Nagas. :lol:
Here's a pic of all four in the order I ate them. The Bih, Dorset, Morich, and Bhut:


Overall, I think the Bih and Morich have the best flavor. The Bih gave me hiccups. The Dorset and Morich hit my tongue the hardest. The Bih and Bhut hit the throat the hardest. The Bhut was the hottest with the Dorset a close second. IMO the Scorpion and 7-pot are still a little hotter than them all. Well, thanks again to AJ for giving me the peppers to do this to myself. See you all in Tales of the Loo!
Well done JayT...and thank you for the detailed description...excellent and the same as what I thought about the taste...of course, I didn't eat as big of a piece as you did...

hope your stomach didn't get too painful...

sorry I missed the real time action...
Well, believe it or not the stomach never got too bad. I slept very restlessly, but none of the gut-wrenching cramps and cold sweats like the time I ate all those poppers. The loo came this morning and while it was not pleasant and did require multiple trips and lots of flushes it was not too painful. I credit this to having eaten before and during the eating of the peppers. It does also help that this time, I only ate about a 1/4 to a 1/3 of each pepper as opposed to whole pods. Overall, a good experience.
good deal JayT...glad it wasn't too bad and you got to experience side by side tasting...I have done it a few times with my buddy down here and I get so tickled looking at him with his mouth drooling...of course, so is mine
back in the spring when I had my first few Bhuts coming off, I made 6 poppers out of them and took them to a party...I posted a thread with pics...that was very funny...for the newbys to heat at the party, I sliced one up into about 6 pieces and they tried it...the stuffing was my regular mexican 4 cheese, some crab meat, and a pretty good bit of 7 Pot and T. Scorpion puree if I remember correctly...

everyone that tried them was bent at the waist a little bit to keep the drool off their shirts
Good job there JayT! The pics are hilarious. You got the ol' stink eye going on like you just smelled a fart, but don't know who done it. :lol: