Summer 2015 Forecast Much of U.S. Below-Average Temperatures

Also from the CPC

and a rather lengthy discussion of the reasoning behind their long term forecast.
almost the end of May and we've still been seeing LOW 40s at night here in Illinois! And then when it stays above 60 at night, it rains for 5 days straight... again... next week... oh well... my plants are LOVING being indoors with plenty of warmth and light... just definitely outgrowing their solo cups.  Been hitting them with nutrients and they are all looking extremely healthy and GREEN.  ^_^  Getting antsy about getting my 50 plants outside, but only time will tell.  I'm not trying to put them outside so they can say hello to 5 days of rain.   They're doing fine inside for the time being.
EDIT: I never trust a forcast that is that far out... the 10 day forecast is always different when it comes to getting around to that 10th day...  3 months in advance?  
Roulette anyone? 20 black wins. fat chance, right?
So even hotter and wetter in Florida than usual this summer... fantastic. It has definitely been nearly off-the-charts hot all through April and May. I think may we have only had two or three days below 90/70.