sun Sun path...



I stumbled across this site and though I would share...

I'm starting to get my plants outside and I live in a new house, so I don't have a good feel of sun position yet, so I found a site where you can put in your address and it will show you everything about sun position on Google Maps (sunrise, sunset, sun path, and position at specified time of day). It's an awesome tool.,-100.9795,5/2013.04.09/10:13

Great tool. my backyard is directly south facing and gets so much sun I actually have to plant in areas for some things to allow shade, herbs in particular.
how does it work? at which zoom do you use? as you zoom in or zoom out the scale is in different spot?

Once on the site, type in a location and you can click anywhere to move the center spot (or click and drag). Zooming does change the scale and gives a bigger or smaller perspective of the sun's location at a given day and time.

One bug I have found is that is does not correct itself if you change the map from showing due north at the top.

I hope this helps.