plant-care Sunburned my plants :(

Hey All,
So its finally gotten nice here in Vegas and I put my over-wintered plants outside and managed to sunburn quite a few leaves on each plant. I kept them inside under lights for a couple days to allow them to recover, losing several leaves off each plant but not enough to worry me. If I put them back outside will the sunburn continue and get worse, or has the damage been done and the plants should be ok to go outside now? Should I begin hardening again? Do sunburned plants tend to recover well or should I trim the now bare branches? This wasn't a problem last year since I really slowly hardened them off as young plants. Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks!
Provided the temperature is right, willing to bet putting them in shade for a week or so would do it for you.  I had to give up on the whole bringing them inside and outside each day thing, too much work.