sun sunlight effecting heat level

Does the amount of sunlight that plants get effect thr heat level of pods? My plants are doing really well in about 5-6 hours direct sun but the jwalas that are already big enough to eat have absolutely no heat...although I did pick the one early because I couldn't wait any longer for that first fresh pod lol.
bravesfan said:
Does the amount of sunlight that plants get effect thr heat level of pods? My plants are doing really well in about 5-6 hours direct sun but the jwalas that are already big enough to eat have absolutely no heat...although I did pick the one early because I couldn't wait any longer for that first fresh pod lol.
Lol.. Thought i was the only one that did that. As for the heat level I'm not sure but i cab say the plants in the shade seem to be doing better than the ones that get more sun.
I can't recall who said it but one of the guys on here said that he gives his Bhuts 1-2 hours of direct sun and the rest is indirect sun and his plants are thriving. Personally, I haven't seen much sun in three weeks, so I couldn't tell you :-(
Yeah mine fatalii is a beast and that is after the top broke off during a storm. Gets about 5 hours direct afternoon sun and about 1-2 hours filtered evening sun. My hope is that really I just picked the one too early and the heat will be there a little later on. You are definitely not the only one as I am thinking about picking another one for a sammich today
Yeah, I'd say its the ripening.... ny unripened scotch bonnets had nearly no heat a week before the rest started ripening.
The more sun, faster to ripen. So yhea, I think more sun is more heat. The hottest pepper I ever eaten ripened durring a record setting month of heat and no rain.