sun Sunlight or Temp?

I am growing a few peppers and am beginning to harden them, putting them a few hours a day in the sun. On one specific plant, the 7 Pot (brain), anytime I put it outside, (in shade or sunlight) the leaves begin to soften and droop. But once i bring the plant back inside, it perks back up. My only guess is maybe its getting too much sun too quickly or the temperature is too low. But the average temp here in Colorado right now is about 65. Its a little cool but not bad. This is my first real attempt at some of these hotter peppers but so does anyone have suggestions?
Some plants are just more finnicky I think. I had a naga morich plant that did the same thing for a while, not just hardening off. I put it on my front porch where it only got about 5 or 6 hours of sunlight a day. It was happy and put out over 200 pods. Maybe try to leave it in shade for a couple of days and slowly expose to sunlight and see if that helps. When I harden off, I start with 1 hour and add 30min. a day for a week, then 1 hour a day after that until they are outside all day.

Good luck!
Leave it outside, let it droop and if the potting mix gets dry, water it. My plants get, max, three days of partial sun before they face the real world. I look at it like they need to learn to run with the big dogs in the tall weeds or else they are not going to survive the summer.


Yeah, thats a pretty normal occurrence. Its just the plant getting used to being outside in general. If you didnt have a fan on your plants inside it is also going to have to adapt to the wind, temperature change, moisture change etc.. lots of stuff. The temperature (outside) shouldnt be an issue, unless you're inside temps are much higher then 65. Just go slow and easy!