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Super hot Tabasco?

Hi folks. I have 30-40 plants like this. They are fresh plants so I think they did not had time to mutate,
almost all are facing up while growing. Pods don't grow in groups like tabasco peppers, they are scattered throughout plant, 20-30 cm from the bottom to the top. 
Taste and heat resembles habanero peppers. Very fruity smell and taste full of aroma and juices. Pods are 3-6 cm large.
Also half of the pods are curvy, something you don't see with Tabasco peppers..
I'm googling for 2 days now, and i have not find the name of this pepper. Also 90% of my seeds were ordered from http://pepperlover.com/, but I don't remember ordering this variety. 

full size image: http://s13.postimg.org/nqzmxi5p3/IMG_20150906_192253.jpg
You get hybrids from two different plants growing close to one another and they cross pollinate. It is those seeds that would produce different looking pods. The color of the leaves look like my tabascos but yeah, the pods don't look right. It's always possible you got cross pollinated seeds. If they were supposed to be tabasco I'd email pepperlover a picture and ask them about it.

If they taste good and you like them, save the seeds and try to see if they grow true to what you harvested this year.
hot stuff said:
If they taste good and you like them, save the seeds and try to see if they grow true to what you harvested this year.
I've already emailed pepperlover two days ago, still no answer. 
I know how they cross, but this one started right away with this kind of pods.. usually rest of my peppers throw one or two batches of regular ones, and later on in the season they produce strange looking pods. I don't grow tabasco peppers this year.. they were kinda small...
I will save seeds, if plants next year continue with this kind of pods it means I have stable hybrid. Since they are from pepperlover.com I kinda hoped somebody else got this variety.
Few more images from today.




hot stuff said:
What were they supposed to be?
the thing is i also don't know that. I've ordered Carolina Reapers, 7pod, Orange Bhut and Habaneros. I've labeled only Carolina Reaper since I have not grown the rest before.. I was sure they will be easy to tell the difference, and that there is no need to label them. 
Now everything I've ordered grew.. I have Reapers, 7pod, Bhut, Habaneros and this one.. and also there was no 'gift seed' bag or anything like that.