Super wind damage ARRGGG

Well.... I started out good and both at my store and at home plants are being damaged from me or nature... Pretty hefty winds today keeled over 3 plants at my house today. One was doing AWESOME and had aboot 5 or more peppers started. Broke nearly all but a few roots... and 2 others are looking like they were yanked outta the ground and replanted....

My Naga at my store, the only Naga that sprouted still shows no new life other than fresh browning leaves (as seen in ARRG Not my Naga). The two sickly Jalabanero plants have shown no new growth, though they are still green. The Lemon Drop is not showing anything new either.

Only thing good is that my big plants that I've been showing off does look like it's aboot ready to start producing new leaves and getting back on track.

I took the entire plant out of the pot and put into the ground and put dirt further up the stem to help keep it in place and put a tomato cage for it.

And after a good day at work I gotta come home to devastation :lol:
Sorry to hear about the damage, fighting it here too. Sustained winds of 35mph+ today with gusts up to 60mph. Poor plants are really taking a beating. Question for anyone......will stress from the wind make them look like they are dried out a little? Mine are kind of sagging a little bit like they need water but I just watered yesterday.
I'd suggest giving them a water tonight - wind should die down a little & they can get a good drink before sun-up & maybe more wind.
I just had a palm branch fly in from neighbors yard & take out some chilli plants, well just a few good branches with green pods on. Planning revenge now.
gardenkiller said:
Question for anyone......will stress from the wind make them look like they are dried out a little? Mine are kind of sagging a little bit like they need water but I just watered yesterday.

Yes, it will.
Thanks again Pam, you always seem to come to the rescue, are you also by chance faster than a speeding bullet, or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, or....... :P
well day 1 after super wind damage..... looks good so far....

2 not so good, Lemon Drop even looks worse :P and it's the one I was anxious aboot too.... n only 1 sprouted....
yea its been really windy here the last couple days, & they're basically in the wide open area next to a field but luckily they survived the wind & no problems (but also they were tied to a stake) but eariler when harden off some plants weeks ago I had a orange plum hab get topped off because of the wind :P about 4"
gardenkiller said:
Thanks again Pam, you always seem to come to the rescue, are you also by chance faster than a speeding bullet, or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, or....... :P

No, but ever since I got bitten by this funny looking spider....

Well good news! and some bad news....

Good: Lemon Drop and one Jalabanero is showing new life and showing it well!

The Bad: Black Hungarian that got the wind damage looked near dead today....
Glad to hear about them coming back to good health, you really do have some beautiful plants. Anxious to see more pics throughout the summer!