Superbowl Contest - LDHS-style

I shared your post announcing the contest.  You want us to share our prediction?  I want to do it right. :) There is a fabulous prize on the line and I am down to my last bottle of Pink.
Husker21 said:
I shared your post announcing the contest.  You want us to share our prediction?  I want to do it right. :) There is a fabulous prize on the line and I am down to my last bottle of Pink.
Nope - you're good! Just a general reminder. :cheers:
I made my guesses.  Is this a cumuilative thing like total points + total yards for each player = whatever number?  That's the way it reads to me.
Oh and do NOT get excited by watching people eat hot dogs.
JayT said:
I made my guesses.  Is this a cumuilative thing like total points + total yards for each player = whatever number?  That's the way it reads to me.
Oh and do NOT get excited by watching people eat hot dogs.
Correct - cumulative yards for each QB. :)
DownRiver said:
Well LD, time to finish this one up.
What were the winning particulars? :)
Oops - sorry, I figured folks were following on the FB page...

Here's my post from last night:

OK! If my calculations are correct, Helene Bochow Chatterjee has won the 7-pack of sauce + either a t-shirt or women's tank top (her choice!) - woohoo!

Helene guessed:
Brady 266 (off by 62, Brady had 328 total)
Wilson 229 (off by 57, Wilson had 286 total)
Patriots win 29-26 (score off by 3, they won 28-24!)

Awesome job Helene! Please send me a message with an address to ship everything to, and a preference of shirt size/style! If you get that to me by tomorrow at 8 AM PT it'll go out tomorrow!

You can see the shirts on my webpage here:


Thanks for playing everyone!

Love & hot sauce

Her sauce & shirt went out this AM!

Thanks for playing everyone!
JayT said:
Pretty sure if you just took the numbers and not the names of the quarterbacks, I would have won.  I had them damn near spot on, but opposite. :lol:
And you had the wrong team winning too, with the opposite scores. 
So yeah - real close. :rofl: 