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SuperHots fine delectables

Every day I come home I never know what I am gonna find in my mailbox. I have the best mail lady in the world( thanks to the members of the THP ). Look what she brought me today :dance:


Jack (SuperHot) sent Newtune and I a couple monster pods to sample. A video will follow in a couple days :lol:

Two scorp X bhut giant and two huge 7 pod primo's



Can u say this bhutxscorp is ginormous!


Thank you Jack.
Wow! Those look amazing! :dance: :woohoo: :dance:

Good luck with those and looking forward to seeing the video! :cool:

Nice! I just got home tonight and our mail ladies must be on the same schedule. I cant wait to see some videos and Ill have my first up by morning. You and Al have fun battling Jack's chilis, they are huge. I had them in my possession for a few hours and thank God that they weren't yellow because I would confuse them with my bananas! But I am a bit :crazy:

This is just the beginning boys!!

I have some real scary types for you guys to do next season!!

O-ya Matt I'll see what Monster Killer Pod I can grow for you too!!