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Superhots in a Mole?

With all due respect I do not consider habs to be a superhot. It would then have to be a 7 Pot or a Scorpion for me.
You'll have to ask Scovile Deville, he is the mole expert, but I have made a few myself. The last one I did I used some chocolate bhuts and a chocolate scorpion.
Thanks for the nod Jay.

Spicegeist, It's cool to meet another "Moléhead"!
Jonah 7 Pot, Red Savina, Choco Hab's/ Bhut's, Fatali, heck, even Lemon Drops would be good. IMO
I just made some the other day with 3 Habs and a Red Bhut and posted it on The Drunken Chef, if you want to check it out.
Show us pics when you make it.
Holé Molé!!!
Thanks for the feedback, sounds like it might be more of a preference issue I suppose. The Mole I am planning won't happen until after my harvests this year... I am just trying to plan the right varieties to grow at this point. I have a few brown hab types and some superhots too in the works...

How do Bhuts work in Mole? I'm curious how the flavors would blend.
IMO, With any delicate/complex sauce, moderation is key. IMO! I don't know what your recipe is but it's easy to over do it with any strong flavored ingrediednt.
Also, the Bhut I used was dried. I've never used fresh (or frozen) in my Molé, so the flavor could change quite a bit. I only used the bhut really, to heat it up.
Once you have the flavor of the Mole down, then it's pretty easy to heat it up. Moderation is key. IMO!