• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Superhots Only

Ok going to start a log of all my superhot pepper plants basically anything hotter than a ghost pepper.... Ill be posting pics weekly of a plant from each strain I have growing. Currently I have a small veriety. Jays red ghost scorpion, carolina reaper (hp22b) and the sunrise scorpion. Any other growers feel free to post pics (of super hots only) to compare and comment with any advice or input you may have thanks!




The other peppers ill be ordering today; yellow trinidad 7 pot primo. 7 pot brain strain. Chocolate trinidad scorpion. 7 pot congo gigantic. Malaysian goronong. Black naga. Jay's peach ghost scorpion. Trinidad perfume. Ecuadorian devil's breath. Cheiro roxa. Noga morich. Butch t / 7 pot jonah hybrid.
theghostpepperstore said:
You probably wont be able to completely prevent aphid, at least not in our area. 5 or 6 are not going to harm a plant really, it is still a good idea to squish them. Once it warms up and we hit summer, they won't survive in any great numbers anyway.
In the fall, yellow mums will attract them. You can use the mums as "bait plants", most of the aphids will go for the mums, then you can spray the mums with your weapon of choice.
Thanks for the knowledge. Yea we actually have a mum in the flower bed in front of the house and it was swarmed with them and a ton of eggs. So it got neemed, idk what kind of mum we have but i was wanting to do exactly that bait them to another object and the 1 i have in front already it works sense it was the only plant weve had swarmed with them like that. Probably going to buy 2 or 3 mums next time im at walmar and puit in the far back of my yard about about 50ft away. That a sufficient distance to hopefully keep them away from the peppers?
Thanks again pepperstore for the info!
Well no luck @ walmart on mums. But I got some rubber mulch and covered my rows in my main garden. Hopefully they will radiate some heat and help dry the ground on sunny days and keep the weeds to a minimum. I think I may have killed 2 or 3 in the process due to trying to til by hand to remove the weeds that were there but oh well I have enough to spare a few plants. Looks allot nicer now though.


Should I also put mulch in the trenches I have dug out? Or will it even be worth the time & $$??
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I would mulch it all, why would you want to weed the trenches any more than the rows?
True.. im just cheap and itl b another $13 for enough mulch to do the rest lol
But I probably will. Also heard merigolds are a good aphid defense is this true?

Took this today of my Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion. . 2 flowers in progress and about 6 more starting! Too bad the reaper and sunrise scorpion still have nothing. Heres a pic also of my tortured habanero lol. Plan on making this a bonsai eventually and im stressing it in every way possible and its still kickin.


Its been through hell and back...over nuted til my meter pegged at 1. Overwaterrd religiously every other day or sooner with nearly a quart water/nutes ea watering And foliar nuted 2x's a day or more. Uprooted and roots completely rinsed off twice so far and will again when its ready for a new pot. Im trying to cause irregularities and or deformities sense it will eventually be a house plant. I want it to look nothing like a "normal" habanero plant. And dont get things twisted I DO NOT do this to my other plants! Lol and I dont need any input discouraging me from doing this but if u have a new way I can stress this beast let me know but nothing too crazy as id like to keep it alive
ghost scorpion grower said:
True.. im just cheap and itl b another $13 for enough mulch to do the rest lol
But I probably will. Also heard merigolds are a good aphid defense is this true?
Mixed results, I do not buy into it. I also cannot stand the way they look so I opt for basil mixed in with my plants and tons of praying mantis and lady bugs. 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Mixed results, I do not buy into it. I also cannot stand the way they look so I opt for basil mixed in with my plants and tons of praying mantis and lady bugs.
Hmm that sounds pretty cool my uncle was saying something about the mantis' does basil repel insects or maybe aphids specifically? Im really thinking about going to worms way and buying some mantis' so long as they arent very expensive. Nature tends to do a way better job of balancing things out than we can.. especially me! Lol
Nice plants, I plan on getting some C. Reaper seeds for next years grow along with some T.S. Butch T's and maybe a 7 pod Bubblegum and some yellow Brain Strains.
If I may ask why did you go for the rubber mulch I know it breaks down very slow, but I would rather use something more natural.
I plant lots of Lemon and Lime Basil a long with dwarf French marigolds that help keep the root knot nematodes away, Manties are good for bigger bugs, but I like using Lady bugs and lacewings for Aphids and mealybugs.
Your grow looks great, will be looking for more pics.
As far as the rubber mulch goes my soil is retaining allot of water and im hoping the rubber will radiate the heat and help dry the ground. They get shade from around 1 to 330 so I can spray the rubber on days heat becomes an issue during that time if necessary. But my hots will remain in pots year round. I have 9 more varieties being delivered tomorrow ill be posting pics of, and 3 my cousin ordered ill snap some pics of too. Thanks for the support wildseed!
Well they were shipped with the plants..
looks like he has them made they are def printed on there not handwritten.
U should be able to make them fairly simple & cheap.
Some sort of thin plastic a pair of scissors & a sharpie should do the job.
u could buy a for sale or yardsale sign and cut accordingly and use the backside which is white for your label.
Once I get some clones going ill be doing exactly that. Theyre a buck and u can get roughly 20+ labels depending the size you make them.

cool98010 said:
Where Do You Get All The Labels From ?? :3 :D










They arived today not looking too bad for nearly 3days no light. He was out of 1 of the strains I ordered so it was replaced and he threw in 4 more live plants for free. 2 peach ghost scorpions & 2 purple jalapeno. All are good color no burns or aphids somethin snaked on a couple leaves before shipping but no big deal. Cant wait to start gettin pods off them.
Just got done transplanting the new ones. Decided to let them have the t5 to themselves so I could lower it right down to them & busted out a 400w mh bulb for the others. Probably not worth it but I figured why not sense it was just settin here going to waste..


Have a 1000w hps ballast and hydrofarm hps fixture sitin here too but no bulb :/


Overkill at its best! Lol
Decided to do away with the t5, wasnt enough light.
So the current setup im using to add to the sunlight they get.
1000w 2700k hps & 400w 5000k metal halide.
Both powered by magnetic ballasts.
Going for full spectrum lighting.
I think they might have enough light now hell I think it would still be enough if I double up on plants haha
The top pic here was taken at the closest point that the light pulses werent visible in my camera. Somewhere between 10 & 15ft
I'm surprised you excluded the Ghost Pepper. I have a strain that took 2 to 4 months to ripen depending on the pod, and am growing this year entirely from seeds coming from that plant. At the 3 month mark my wife whom normally eats Ghost Peppers like Candy stopped eating themn because the heat became to intense. Another super hot pepper eater whom I sent some peppers claimed the Reaper they tried previously was not even close in heat. Reconsider your assessment on Ghost Peppers:)

ghost scorpion grower said:
True.. im just cheap and itl b another $13 for enough mulch to do the rest lol
But I probably will. Also heard merigolds are a good aphid defense is this true?
You should seriously consider lady bugs. I cover my peppers in ladybugs (always after poisoning), and they never come back.