
I'm just curious what you all think about this thing called "superthrive" its a vitamins/hormones liquid to add to water to help the plant out & have it grow better, on the packaging it says its the S*** (ok it doesnt say that, but what it does say it basically says that)

I'm gonna give it a try this year, I'm just curious what others thought of it.
There are all kinds of thrive products: superthrive, thrivealive, ultrathrive, superawesomemegagrowsupremethrivealiveultra. They are all good and many are considered organic. Thrive producs can be used in a foliar spray as well. I highly recommend, especially for smaller/weaker plants.
WHAT!!! they have a "superawesomemegagrowsupremethrivealiveultra" version, dammit I would of bought that one instead :lol:
yea I already bought it I was just curious what others thought of it, so far it sounds like I cant go wrong with it. what it says on the packaging sounds like a great thing for plants - 50+ vitamins/homones & the plant soaks it up immediately.
they say I could use it every week, is this true ? since I've heard of over doing it with small amounts of nutrients & killing off the plant or making it toxic for the plant. or no need to worry with this product ?
chilehunter said:
WHAT!!! they have a "superawesomemegagrowsupremethrivealiveultra" version, dammit I would of bought that one instead :lol:
yea I already bought it I was just curious what others thought of it, so far it sounds like I cant go wrong with it. what it says on the packaging sounds like a great thing for plants - 50+ vitamins/homones & the plant soaks it up immediately.
they say I could use it every week, is this true ? since I've heard of over doing it with small amounts of nutrients & killing off the plant or making it toxic for the plant. or no need to worry with this product ?
Yep, every week is fine, but keep in mind, with superthrive, it is not organic. It has growth hormones which can be transfered. I say every two weeks to be sure for the amount used. Btw, use a cap full per gallon. Shake well, and soak only the top bit of soil. Then water that, drowning the dirt. Had to learn this the hard way.
Superthrive is mostly B vitamins and Auxin, a plant hormone. While it's useful when rooting cuttings,I think it's too easy to overdose to use as a fertilizer. Too much auxin can stimulate ethylene production, which can in turn shorten the internodes (make the limbs shorter) or cause it to drop its leaves. Synthetic auxins are also what's in a lot of broad leaf herbicides. There are tons of other fertilizers on the market that are safer and will give you as good or better results.
what I bought says its
non - fertilizer
non - pesticide
non - polluting
biousable (organic ?) from carbon-hydrogen-oxygen natural organic crystals. normal pure complexes
chilehunter said:
what I bought says its
non - fertilizer
non - pesticide
non - polluting
biousable (organic ?) from carbon-hydrogen-oxygen natural organic crystals. normal pure complexes

That's huckster-ese for "this product contains mostly vitamin B and the plant hormone auxin".

I use the stuff when I'm rooting a lot of cuttings, I'm planning on using it this weekend to root a bunch of _Asclepias curassavica _ . I just can't see it being beneficial all season long for a pepper plant.

Maybe you could do a side by side comparison and use it on one pepper plant and use whatever fertilizer you normally use on the other. Report back to us this fall.
Such as? Im looking for one myself. And where can it be found?

Just about every company that sells seeds sells some sort of fertilizer. Browse the on-line catalogs. Even the ubiquitous Miracle Gro has a tomato and vegetable formula (although I still think the nitrogen is too high).

I like Espoma's Tomato Tone, swear by it for peppers and tomatoes, as a matter of fact. When the summer monsoons hit around here, I put a little bit on every couple of weeks.
Pam said:
Just about every company that sells seeds sells some sort of fertilizer. Browse the on-line catalogs. Even the ubiquitous Miracle Gro has a tomato and vegetable formula (although I still think the nitrogen is too high).

I like Espoma's Tomato Tone, swear by it for peppers and tomatoes, as a matter of fact. When the summer monsoons hit around here, I put a little bit on every couple of weeks.

Thanks Pam --
chilliman64 said:
damn that ubiquitous Miracle Gro!

ps - please don't ask Pam about Miracle Gro!

Silly boy, I'm not anti-Miracle Gro, it's not a harmful product. It's just that it and its clones have taken over all the shelf space that stores give to fertilizers. And I want choices.

If you need a high nitrogen fertilizer that's not going to linger in the soil, Miracle Gro is a good choice.
pam - since I'm still a novice chile grower (IMO, even after a couple years) I saw this product & thought what the heck why not give it a try, I dont know whats in it but it sounded good.
& yes I agree with you that it seems like miracle gro is EVERYWHERE & they pack the selves with every product they make.

I know this is kinda off subject but you know what would be nice to have on this forum is a section thats a sticky (always towards the top of a section) that tells people the correct way to grow chiles. I know thats pretty vague & everyone might have their own opinion on the correct way, but most people can agree to some extent on what kind of numbers to be feeding the plants & how often.
or what kind of product would be wise to use & which kind is not good for chiles to produce alot of pods. & then overwintering plants & tell step by step, instead of some places that tell you just general things to do & dont tell you where to store them Ex. in complete darkness or some light ?

I know it'd take some work to agree on but it would answer alot of peoples questions, I mean its just a plant you have basically 2 choices hydro or soil growing.
I dont know maybe its just not feasible but sure would be nice to have something thats more in depth than some other sites.
chilehunter said:
pam - since I'm still a novice chile grower (IMO, even after a couple years) I saw this product & thought what the heck why not give it a try, I dont know whats in it but it sounded good.
& yes I agree with you that it seems like miracle gro is EVERYWHERE & they pack the selves with every product they make.

I know this is kinda off subject but you know what would be nice to have on this forum is a section thats a sticky (always towards the top of a section) that tells people the correct way to grow chiles. I know thats pretty vague & everyone might have their own opinion on the correct way, but most people can agree to some extent on what kind of numbers to be feeding the plants & how often.
or what kind of product would be wise to use & which kind is not good for chiles to produce alot of pods. & then overwintering plants & tell step by step, instead of some places that tell you just general things to do & dont tell you where to store them Ex. in complete darkness or some light ?

I know it'd take some work to agree on but it would answer alot of peoples questions, I mean its just a plant you have basically 2 choices hydro or soil growing.
I dont know maybe its just not feasible but sure would be nice to have something thats more in depth than some other sites.

Excellent idea. This is one of the only sites with a grow forum without a grow guide. I'll help if you want, I have millions of links saved lol
Txclosetgrower said:
Excellent idea. This is one of the only sites with a grow forum without a grow guide. I'll help if you want, I have millions of links saved lol

The thing is, everybody has a favorite way of starting from seed. Most of them are perfectly ok, just different. So, if we do this, we need to avoid suggesting that there is One True Way to grow peppers from seeds.
pam I understand theres many ways to get a seed to sprout, which could be told a couple of ways to get seeds to sprout. but once its above ground & growing the correct methods to feed the plant (what kind of numbers?) & how often, & then overwintering the plant where you cut it & when (like before the las pods ripen ?) & storage of the plant etc....
I know theres several methods for growing but why not explain them all. & maybe have a sticky for each method -seed starting/soil growing/hydro- & the website owner or a moderator would post them on the very 1st post of that thread (so people dont need to scroll through the pages)

TX - you dont want me trying to explain to others how to grow peppers :) since I'm still learning & I know others here know ALOT morethan I do when it comes to growing pepper plants. so I think I should not be involved in this "correct methods to grow chiles" unless you want to learn how to kill off your plants :cool: