surface mold on outdoor plants, maybe?

its been really rainy here for about a week, i have paper covering the ground with wood chip mulch for weed prevention.
I have three plants that have this surface mold it appears to be, what should I do? so far I scraped it all off to the best I can do, now im considering spraying them with a hydrogen peroxide
is this expected to effect the plant?




water mix.
I had that all the time last year in Okinawa.... I just mixed it in the soil and didnt have any issues with it.... but then again, I was using peroxide a lot to drive out the ants in my pots....
It should be fine, though....
i dont think thats mold.  i think its fungus?    i dont think you have anything to worry about?    remember im only right like 34% of the time  67% of the time.   80%percent of the time   ;)  :rofl: