Suspicious Fitalii Pod & First Pods of 2016

  Got pods coming on heavy with most of my Chinense's. I have a Fatalii plant that was grown from Pepperlover seeds. I am quite suspicious of a couple pods on the plant. They appear very Bhut like in my opinion. And with many bhuts growing near by I would not be surprised. Or perhaps a seed mixup from pepperlover. But the plant itslef is growing true to form.
Fatalii Pods


Caramel Bhut Pods


Bih Jolokia

Purple Ghost

They appear very Bhut like in my opinion. And with many bhuts growing near by I would not be surprised.
Cross pollination has no effect on pods that grow on the parent plant. (the pods look and taste exactly as they are supposed to, but the seeds carry the crossed DNA forward) You would have to grow out the seed from the pods on the cross pollinated plant, to see any actual differences.
first round of pods off a plant  often aren't always the "true" shape. Wait till the second round of pods to get a better opinion. 
solid7 said:
Cross pollination has no effect on pods that grow on the parent plant. (the pods look and taste exactly as they are supposed to, but the seeds carry the crossed DNA forward) You would have to grow out the seed from the pods on the cross pollinated plant, to see any actual differences.

That's what I was thinking. Perhaps the seeds came from a cross pollinated plant. It's really hard to control thousands of seeds and plants. Especially with pepperlover and all their different varieties.
Looks pretty similar to some of my fatalii especially the shape and tip, it could be the lighting but the only difference I can see is the surface appears more bumpy.